WEBINAR: Albatrosses and other seabirds’ bycatch in fishing gears. Prevention and conservation measures. Puerto de Celeiro case study

Albatrosses and other seabirds bycatch - Fos
Webinar “Albatrosses and other seabirds’ bycatch in fishing gears. Prevention and conservation measures. Puerto de Celeiro case study.”

Presented by:
Mario Passoni, Scientific Officer of Friend of the Sea

Manuel Bermudes Diez, Project Manager of Puerto de Celeiro

Download presentation here:

Albatrosses and other seabirds bycatch

8 June 2020

Dear Madam/Sir, 
Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Albatrosses and other seabirds’ by catch in fishing gears. Prevention and conservation measures. Transmarina and Puerto de Celeiro case study.”

This webinar can be of interest to

– fishing companies 

– seafood producers and traders 

– retail and wholesale chains  

– government officials 

– companies’ sustainability and environmental managers 

– media professionals, journalists

– environmental conservation groups, NGOs 

– bloggers, influencers and many more.   

During this half an hour session, Manuel Bermúdez Díez (Project Manager at Puerto de Celeiro) and Paolo Bray (Founder and Director at Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth) will cover the following subjects:

 –  Albatrosses and seabirds’ biology and distribution

 –  Threats and IUCN Redlist status

 –  Legislation and conservation

 –  By-catch and mitigation measures

 –  Transmarina’s initiatives to protect albatrosses and seabirds.

 –  Puerto de Celeiro’s initiatives to protect albatrosses and seabirds.  

Sign up to the webinar here 

if this link doesn’t work try attend.zoho.com/k88t

We recommend to use the latest version of Internet Explorer or otherwise to use Firefox, Chrome, …

maximum 200 participants 

This webinar will take place on 19th of June 2020 at 04:00 pm in Milan, CET +1 (07:00 am San Francisco; 10:00 am in New York; 03:00 pm in London; 04:00 pm in Johannesburg; 09:00 pm in Bangkok; 10:00 pm in Hong Kong; 01:00 am 20th of June in Sidney; 09:00 am in Ecuador; 04:00 pm in Spain). 

Participation is free of charge

Friend of the Sea certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants. 

If you cannot attend the live session, sign up anyway and we will send you a recording.  

You will also have the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers during the webinar.