Report Label Misuse

Seafood certification schemes are programmes that aim to increase customer awareness of the environmental impact and sustainability of their seafood purchasing choices. It is a means of communicating to customers that the product is sourced from well-managed capture fisheries or aquaculture production facilities that focus on issues related to the sustainable use of fisheries resources. Certification is the procedure by which a third party gives assurance that a product process or service conforms to specified requirements and should be based on a range of inspection activities and carried out by a competent and recognised certification body.
Friend of the Sea has developed a set of seafood certification standards for fisheries and aquaculture products that provide tools for minimising the negative effects of aquaculture operations, and ensuring that fisheries respect the marine environment, thus preserving natural resources for the future.
Friend of the Sea certified seafood products and services are subject to strict independent audits that verify both environmental and social standards.
The Friend of the Sea logo is a registered trademark subject to strict controls. Only companies with a Friend of the Sea certification are allowed to promote products and services as Friend of the Sea certified.
If you suspect that the Friend of the Sea logo and/or trademark are being misused, please, contact us and send an email to our Marketing Department at:
Please, provide us any possible information about the specific label misuse (e.g. name of the company, the product/service, where the misuse was detected).
All information will be treated confidentially.