Friend of the Sea Hero
How can we increase public awareness?
Most kids love to imitate Superheroes – or at least to watch their cartoons! That is why Friend of the Sea, the international certification programme for Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture products, has created a series of Friend of the Sea Hero cartoons to inspire children to protect the oceans and build a healthier future for their communities and the planet.
Protecting oceans means protecting all the Earth’s ecosystems. Oceans are the lifeblood of planet Earth and humankind. They flow over nearly three-quarters of our planet, and hold 97 percent of the planet’s water. They produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and absorb the most carbon from it.
1. Help take care of the beach
How can we encourage the younger generation to take care of the world’s beaches?
Every year millions of people – both adults and children – enjoy our wonderful beaches worldwide. However this causes environmental impacts and, as a result, impacts the fragile marine environment.
By promoting awareness of the damaging impacts of littering on our beaches as well as respecting natural beach flora and fauna and marine species, we can contribute to the sustainable management of our beaches.

2. Don’t purchase items that exploit marine life
How can we raise Environment and Wildlife Conservation Awareness?
The younger generation must recognise the harm and impact that careless fishing practices can have on our ocean life. By educating them about the damage and encouraging them to think of alternatives we can make a real difference.

3. Use fewer plastic products
How can we encourage the younger generation to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic products?
The main source of marine plastic are land-based from run-off, sewer overflows, beach visitors and poor waste disposal and management.
By promoting awareness of the damaging impacts of the use of plastics to our kids and encourage them to recycle whenever possible, we can make a real difference to the sustainability of our oceans.

4. Doing away with dolphinariums
Dolphinariums are large aquaria that keep dolphins in large pools, or occasionally in the open sea in nets, usually for public performances. However there is concern about the welfare of these captive animals who do not have the freedom, space or stimulation that they would get in their natural environment.
Children should be taught to appreciate the wonder of observing these beautiful creatures in the open ocean instead.