Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.

Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.

Solutex, the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids, has renewed its Friend of the Sea® certification for the fourth time; initially obtaining it in 2017.


The leading global firm produces highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids for the Nutraceuticals, pharma, and cosmetic industries. Since its inception in 2004, Solutex has demonstrated a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability; evidenced by its partnership with Friend of the Sea®, a project of the World Sustainability Organization.


In the bid to reaffirm its dedication to sustainability and green manufacturing, Solutex has renewed its Friend of the Sea® certification for its Omegatex® micro-algae and fish oil high concentrate. The product is sustainably sourced and gently processed, it further provides custom formulas and purification options sourced from algae and fish; making it eligible to obtain the Friend of the Sea® certification.


Founded in 2008 by Paolo Bray, Friend of the Sea® is the leading global standard for food and non-food products and services, that respect and protect the ocean and its resources. It certifies sustainable products and companies contributing to marine conservation. Friend of the Sea® is the only sustainable fisheries certification process recognized and supervised globally by a National Accreditation Body.


For an Omega-3 supplement or oil to be certified by Friend of the Sea®, the product must comply with strict requirements. These include originating from seafood processed trimmings and by-cuts and utilizing Friend of the Sea®-approved fisheries and fleets. Additionally, the fishery must not target overexploited fish stock, bycatch endangered species, or generate more than 8% discard.


Obtaining the globally recognized sustainability certification, further demands that the processing of fish and omega-3 must comply with Environment Management System practices and Social Accountability principles.


Upon achieving positive results following an independent audit, Friend of the Sea® verified Solutex’s commitment to employing traceable sources and not damaging the ecosystem in the production of its Omegatex Fish Oil Concentrate.


We recently changed our tagline: Sustainable innovation. Healthier lives. That entirely reflects our commitment to environmental sustainability,” Fabio Bejarano, Product Manager says.


With a presence in 30 countries, across 4 continents Solutex also prioritizes sustainable manufacturing “We employ green chemistry manufacturing methods, with supercritical CO2 technology and deodorization process. CO2 extracts purify, separate, and concentrate EPA and DHA fatty acids. It does not use organic solvents, harsh chemicals, high temperatures, or aggressive conditions”, Fabio adds.


We chose to be Friend of the Sea® certified because it is the world’s leading standard for sustainable and responsible fisheries management.” Fabio indicates. The Friend of the Sea® Sustainable Fisheries and Omega-3 Certification guarantees certified products minimally impact the environment.


By adhering to requirements stipulated by Friend of the Sea®, Solutex’s customers can be assured of healthy fish, support of endangered species, and products that benefit both our health and the ocean; with necessary measures to ensure an abundant supply for the future. 

To learn more about the Friend of the Sea Certification click the link – Friend of the Sea® Sustainable Omega 3 certification.

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