Peruvian scallops certified sustainable

Friend of the Sea announces the first scallop producer certified sustainable. Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) has been operating since 1990 in the remote and pristine bays in Northern Perú: Guaynumá and Salinas in Casma – Ancash – and Nonura in Piura. The company employs 480 and a produces 2000 tons per year.

Successful independent Environmental Impact Assessments have been run and water parameters are checked every 7 days by the official laboratory, as part of the Shellfish Control Program of seawater bivalves. The development of the plant has not determined a net conversion of critical ecosystem. The species (Argopecten purpuratus) is a native species, whose broodstocks are captured in the bay and induced to spawn in laboratory, for later reintroduction in the bay to continue the growth process.

Because of the natural farming method, no feed nor drugs are used. The scallops are grown (long line system) in cages which are recollected. While fuel consumption is limited to the boats picking up the cages, the company has engaged at estimating and reducing its carbon footprint in the next 12 months. Acuapesca Group has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90% of the employees are locals of the nearby community of Casma in Ancash and Sechura in Piura. Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official bodies.

“We are proud of having obtained the Friend of the Sea certification” comments Carlos Goldin, CEO, “we are glad to join this way an international group of companies enthusiastic about sustainability. We hope other scallop farmers in Peru will also apply for Friend of the Sea certification and share our efforts in conservation of the marine habitat”.

For More Information:
Acuapesca Group – –