More Senegal pole and line tuna fleets become Friend of the Sea

The number of Friend of the Sea’s certified pole and line tuna fisheries is increasing worldwide. The Azores, Senegal, Brazil, Maldives and South African pole and line; aswell as the processing companies which source from these fisheries, are choosing Friend of the Sea to prove their sustainability.

Tunasen Senegal fleet for Skipjack tuna has been audited and approved according to Friend of the Sea’s criteria. The fleet is also Earth Island Institute Dolphin-Safe.

According to the FAO discard database and confirmed by an onsite audit the Senegalese pole and line fishery is extremely selective. The only bycatch from this fishery are Little Tunnies (Euthynnus alletteratus) which are not endangered nor overexploited.

Mr Goyenechea, Tunasen’s General Manager states “More and more retail chains are asking for FOS certification. We are proud to confirm to our suppliers the sustainable nature of our pole and line fishery.”

For more information, please contact:
Executive Director – Mr Paolo Bray
Friend of the Sea
Tel: +39 348 565 0306

General Manager – Mr Jose A. Goyenechea
Tunasen SA
Tel: +221338890480