Centro Studi e Ricerca Ambiente Marino Certified by FoS for Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching Scientific Research Groups

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Association promotes studies related to the life of the sea and conducts research expeditions

Friend of the Sea the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has certified Centro Studi e Ricerca Ambiente Marino (CE.S.R.A.M.) in the category of sustainable dolphin and whale watching scientific groups. The certification covers the organization’s study trips as well as its scientific and training expeditions.

The certification of scientific and educational organizations is becoming a critical part of our overall mission,” said Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Sea. “It is essential that anyone involved in marine research or educational leadership be well-versed in sustainability—and practice sustainability in their work. This is influential on the new generation of students and scientists coming up in the field.”

CE.S.R.A.M.is a non-profit association founded in November 2010. Based in Calabria, Italy, they pursue goals of social utility in the field of protection and enhancement of nature in general, and of the marine environment in particular. The organization’s aim is to promote study, research and scientific dissemination. It operates in Italy and abroad, collaborating with other bodies, associations, groups and companies who are pursuing similar interests.

To achieve their goals, CE.S.R.A.M. organizes congresses and symposia, study trips and naturalistic environmental education activities. They also offer scientific advice. Research expeditions run by CE.S.R.A.M. provide scientific and technological training and professional retraining, particularly for the growth and enhancement of professional skills. This is realized through the organization of advanced schools, training courses, work and study internships both at the Association and at research centers, universities, public and private bodies and companies in Italy and abroad.

CE.S.R.A.M. carries out research activities at a high scientific level, engaging in national and international collaboration for the study, enhancement and monitoring of the marine and coastal ecosystem. They focus on Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Their programs pay particular attention to protected species and those at risk of extinction.

Maria Assunta Menniti, Founder and Director: “Studying and seeing dolphins in nature is wonderful, but it is even more beautiful if all this is done in a sustainable and responsible way, respecting the individual balances. All the staff of CE.S.R.A.M. is proud to have partnered with Friend of the Sea! Together we can… Always!”

The Friend of the Sea Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching standard has the goal of minimizing unintentional disturbance to dolphins and whales, along with their respective habitats, through key principles of conduct. These include setting a maximum number of vessels in the watching zone, moderating approach distance, conducting training programs for operators and crew and collecting scientific data. The standard also forbids swimming with the animals and using mono-use plastics.