Laboratoire LESCUYER® Omega-3 from sustainable fish oils obtains FoS certification

LaboratoireLaboratoire LESCUYER® Omega-3 dietary supplements have been confirmed to be compliant with Friend of the Sea standards following an audit and can now continue displaying the Friend of the Sea seal of approval.

The fish oil at the base of the whole product line is sourced from anchovies fished in the South East Pacific Ocean (FAO Area 87) only by approved Friend of the Sea purse seine fleets. The fishery is managed according to Friend of the Sea sustainable criteria, with highly selective fishing methods and from stocks that are neither overfished nor overexploited.

A full traceability system is in place throughout the supply chain, from the fisheries to manufacturing facility and the finished product.

“The Friend of the Sea certification is very important to us because it acknowledges our commitment to sustainable fishing practices and our sense of responsibility concerning natural resources”, explains Mrs. LAVANNIER, in charge of regulatory affairs and quality in the company Laboratoire LESCUYER®. “Our customers are this way assured that our Omega-3 dietary supplements are from fully sustainable origins.”


Laboratoire LESCUYER®
Specialist in micronutrition for 20 years, Laboratoire LESCUYER® puts all its expertise into the formulating, and selecting the best raw materials for its products.
Laboratoire LESCUYER® offers a wide range of natural dietary supplements formulated with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, lactic ferments, essential fatty acids and plant extracts.


Friend of the Sea is an international certification program for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Over 400 companies in more than 50 countries have relied on Friend of the Sea to assess the sustainability of their seafood origins. Audits, based on best and most updated available scientific data, are run by accredited independent certification bodies.