Istanbul restaurant chain Dardenia Fish Bread supports the FoS Sustainable Restaurant Program

Istanbul restaurant chain Dardenia Fish  Bread supports the FoS Sustainable Restaurant Program

Dardenia is an innovative fast food chain mainly located on the Asian side of Istanbul.Freshly prepared sushi, seafood salads, but most of all the famous fish sandwiches are its main dishes.

The meals are prepared with tuna, clams and so on and so forth, caught and processed respecting consumers and the environment.This led the city’s eateries to be listed in the Sustainable Restaurant Program. Through the initiative launched by Friend of the Sea, the restaurants show their commitment to the conservation of maritime and ocean resources and the clear traceability of products. 

Dardanel,the Turkish company producing canned tuna from 1984 and since the 1990s onwards other canned foods and packaged sandwiches, launched  Dardenia , a middle way between fast food and restaurant. The company is Friend of the Sea certified and its canned tuna is also marked with the Dolphin-Safe brand.  

“It is a source of pride for us to see that participation in our program is expanding so quickly beyond Italian borders. – said Paolo Bray, Founder and Director of Friend of the Sea – Serving controlled and safe food should be the prerogative of each restaurant, especially in the case of seafood dishes. And Dardenia expresses the desire to support the use of techniques that do not impact on the environment, to serve products coming from not overexploited fish resources,and to respect workers”.

To date, around 300 restaurants are participating in the Sustainable Restaurant Program. The complete list, divided by city, is available by downloading the App Find Friend of the Sea Sustainable Seafood on the Play Store and Apple Store.