Waitrose Scottish mussels on the shelves with FoS seal of approval

Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) rope grown mussels are the first farmed seafood in the UK to be awarded Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification. There are 14 mussel farms in the SSMG group, which are located on the Scottish west coast and Shetland. SSMG represents about 70% of total Scottish mussel production. Mussels from SSMG are collected naturally as tiny free-swimming larvae or spat from the sea on lines suspended in open water. They then grow naturally by feeding on plankton carried by the rich currents found around the Scottish west coast and Shetland.

Stephen Cameron, Managing Director of SSMG, said: “Friend of the Sea is a leading independent certification body and to have achieved accreditation from such a prestigious organization is a major milestone for us. We are delighted that Waitrose is now selling Friend of the Sea certified mussels from our farms and are confident that it will aid their customers in making informed choices when purchasing seafood.”

Photo is from Page 1 – Waitrose Weekend 9/9/2010

For more information:

Managing Director – Mr Stephen Cameron
Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG)
Tel: +44 (0) 1698 844 221
Email: info@scottishshellfish.co.uk

Executive Director – Mr Paolo Bray
Friend of the Sea
Tel: +39 348 565 0306
Email: paolobray@friendofthesea.org
http: www.friendofthesea.org