Spanish tuna “Arroyabe” now Friend of the Sea labeled

Arroyabe brand tuna canned by Spanish Conservas La Gaviota has recently undergone chain of custody audit for yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna from approved Friend of the Sea suppliers. Arroyabe tuna products from Friend of the Sea origin can now carry the Friend of the Sea seal of approval.

An international independent certification body assessed La Gaviota chain of custody based on an accurate documentary analysis which enables to trace the lots back to the approved fisheries.  The storage management system in place assures that no mixing between FOS and NON FOS products occurs.

Arroyabe canned tuna is distributed mainly in the German, French, English, Swiss, Italian and Spanish markets with a wide range of different product formats.

“We share the same sustainability vision of Friend of the Sea program”,  remarks Laura Ruiz de Azua – Sales Manager of La Gaviota, “ Friend of the Sea has become the leading sustainability standard for tuna and other species and this recognition provides an important added value for our tuna products”.

For more information please contact:

Paolo Bray – Director
Friend of the Sea

Laura Ruiz de Azua Esturo- Sales Manager
Conservas La Gaviota

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed. Those originate from aquaculture are reared with respect of critical habitat, with no use of antifoulants, GMOS and growth hormones.

Over 250 companies in 50 countries worldwide have relied on Friend of the Sea to certify the sustainability of the origin of their products. An estimated 40% of applications either do not qualify for audit (eg: because targeted stock is officially overexploited or data deficient) or else they do not pass the actual onsite audit (for non conformity with other requirements). Selectivity provides further assurance to consumers on the reliability of the certification. Nowadays 70 different species are available on the market with Friend of the Sea seal of approval.

Conservas La Gaviota
Arroyabe canned and salted fish products are backed by more than one hundred years of experience and tradition offering the highest quality for the most exquisite tastes. The  processing factory is based at the Cantabrian port of Bermeo, thus guaranteeing the company the best and most fresh tuna available. Besides its modern facilities with the latest technology, let us achieve the flavor, freshness and quality that distinguishes Arroyabe from other brands.