Setraco NV tuna steaks and mussels go Friend of the Sea

8.August 2012 – Setraco  NV has undergone chain of custody audit and has been approved as Friend of the Sea supplier for yellowfin tuna steaks (Thunnus albacares) from Lumar Natural Seafood and mussels (Mytilus chilensis) from Huimar Ltda.

The Company is one the most dynamic in the international market for deep-frozen fish products. A comprehensive traceability system is in place to guarantee that all requirements are fulfilled and that no  mixing occurs between certified and  not certified origins.

Setraco’s main headquarters in Belgium direct productions units in England and France and co-operate with partners around the world.
“We believe our association with “Friend of the Sea” and their sustainability project highlights the value of the seafood we supply” explains Paul Vanthournout – CEO of Setraco NV.

“We’re very happy that Setraco NV  joined the project and we really appreciate their efforts and commitment to sustainability” comments Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Sea.

For more information please contact:

Paolo Bray – Director
Friend of the Sea

Philippe Lefief – external communications
Setraco NV

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed. Those originate from aquaculture are reared with respect of critical habitat, with no use of antifoulants, GMOS and growth hormones.
Setraco Frozen Seafoods
From its earliest beginnings, the growth of Setraco NV has been rapid. From 1993 to 2011 in about 18 years, his turnover grew from € 8.55 million up to €69 million.  Setraco NV offers a vast range of fish products, including ready meals and fingerfood recipes, made with carefully selected ingredients. These products find their way into the retail, wholesale distribution, catering and industrial markets either as house brands or under private labels.