OLVEA Fish Oils’ Friend of the Sea certification

OlevaOLVEA Fish Oils did once again confirm its compliance to Friend of the Sea criteria for sustainable fisheries, following a renewal audit in October 2014. OLVEA Fish Oils has been certified with Friend of the Sea since 2011.

OLVEA Fish Oils is a leading bulk supplier of Sardines Omega-3 fish oils coming from the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean fishing zone (FAO area 34). The fish is caught by Friend of the Sea approved selective Moroccan purse seiners, with no impact to the seabed. The target stock is neither overfished nor overexploited.

OLVEA Fish Oils has a strong and rigorous sustainability management policy in place. The Friend of the Sea certification is part of OLVEA Fish Oils’ commitment to sustainable fishing:

  • To source its fish oils in geographical fishing areas where fish stocks have been monitored and assessed by the FAO and local oceanographic research institutes as not presenting any risk of collapsing,
  • To guarantee that the fish species used in the production of its Omega-3 oils are not on the IUCN red list of threatened species, nor on the appendices I to III of the CITES Convention,
  • To support the artisanal fishing through its supplies,
  • To follow the FAO code of conduct for responsible fishing and fish farming, and provide to its eco-responsible customers fish oils exclusively processed from by-products.

OLVEA Fish Oils’ supply chain is closely monitored from the purchase order to the final destination.

About OLVEA Fish Oils

OLVEA Fish Oils is part of the family-owned OLVEA Group, created in 1929 and located in Fécamp (Normandy). OLVEA Fish Oils has gained over the years a strong reputation of excellence in the processing and refining of fish oils.
Over the past ten years, the company gradually stood out on the omega-3 fish oil market by building different units in Africa: a sourcing and processing unit in Morocco, a storage unit in Mauritania and a sourcing unit in Ghana.
Today, OLVEA Fish Oils is the leading bulk supplier of small pelagic Omega-3 fish oils coming from the Atlantic Ocean, with logistical hubs in Northern Europe.
For more information
See our website olvea.com/fish-oils, our Sustainable Development Charter and our Friend of the Sea Certification
Johanna ARNAULT, Communication department: jarnault@olvea.com

About Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, whose mission is the conservation of the marine habitat. Products and their origins are audited onsite by independent international certification bodies, against strict Friend of the Sea sustainability criteria. Friend of the Sea certification requirements follow the FAO – Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries.
