Kimagro’s Levantina Fish: seabass and seabream from Cyprus are certified sustainable by FoS

Kimagro Fishfarming Ltd – is a high quality seabass and seabream producer from Limassol, Cyprus and has been thoroughly audited by an independent Certification Body, according to Friend of the Sea requirements. It has been certified as being fully compliant with strict Friend of the Sea criteria for aquaculture at sea.


Environmental Impact Assessments were carried out in 2004 before the Sites were developed and in 2007. The Sites are located offshore, near the commercial port of Limassol on sandy-muddy seabed. The sea environment is oligotrophic with a strong upwelling from the deep sea. EIAs and Monitoring Studies have shown that no traces of the Farm activity are recorded at 100m from the cages.


The offshore cages have a density of fish of 12-15 kg per sqmt and are equipped with video cameras to immediately identify escapes and to monitor the feeding habits of the fish. Cages are covered with special nets that prevent birds from getting entangled. Kimagro does not use antifouling paints as nets are cleaned effectively with a modern water blaster. Aside from being free of antifoulants, the Company does not use any hormones, antibiotics, GMO’s or land animal proteins.


The Farm daily records feed consumption ratios. Fish is fed ad libitum so that its growth and metabolism simulates the natural rhythms, thus ensuring animal welfare, which is a priority at Kimagro.


“We are particularly fond of the Friend of the Sea certification, as it allows us to independently confirm our full engagement to sustainability at an international level” comments Tony Kimonides, who is Founder and Managing Director of Kimagro.



FRIEND OF THE SEA Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed. Those originate from aquaculture are reared with respect of critical habitat, with no use of antifoulants, GMOS and growth hormones. Over 300 companies in 50 countries worldwide have relied on Friend of the Sea to certify the sustainability of the origin of their products. An estimated 40% of applications either do not qualify for audit (eg: because targeted stock is officially overexploited or data deficient) or else they do not pass the actual onsite audit (for non conformity with other requirements). Selectivity provides further assurance to consumers on the reliability of the certification. Nowadays 70 different species are available on the market with Friend of the Sea seal of approval.


KIMAGRO FISHFARMING LTD. Kimagro is a family run business based in Limassol, Cyprus. The Company was founded in 1989 by Tony Kimonides, a Specialist in Marine Aquaculture, with a Masters in Oceanography. Kimagro was the first in Cyprus to research and develop open-sea fish farming. The Company has designed and manufactured a unique feeding platform that is used and it’s packing and distribution is ISO 22000 certified since August 2007. In recent years, Kimagro has also obtained 3 and 2 golden stars from the International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi), on its Levantina Fish – Mediterranean Sea Bass and Sea Bream respectively.


For more information, please contact: Founder and Director – Mr Paolo Bray Friend of the Sea http: Exports Manager – Andrea Fletcher Kimagro Fishfarming Ltd