FoS on the air with Vitempo Omega3 supplements by Healthspan

Vitempo, French brand of the British Healthspan, has been recently on the air with an Ad campaign promoting Friend of the Sea certified EcOmega3 on TV channels France 2, France 3, France 5 and TMC.

Healthspan, UK major direct supplier of vitamins, minerals and  health supplements, was awarded Friend of the Sea certification for its Omega-3 supplements.

Vitempo omega-3 supplements are made of fish oil from Friend of the Sea approved sustainable fisheries worldwide. The fisheries, which target small pelagics such as anchovies and sardines, are well managed, use very selective fishing gears, with no impact on the seabed and in compliance with stringent sustainable fishing practices.

To watch the ad click here:

For more information, please contact:

Executive Director – Mr Paolo Bray
Friend of the Sea

Senior Brand Manager  – Mr Chris Fisher
Healthspan Ltd

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed. Those originate from aquaculture are reared with respect of critical habitat, with no use of antifoulants, GMOS and growth hormones.

Over 250 companies in 50 countries worldwide have relied on Friend of the Sea to certify the sustainability of the origin of their products. An estimated 40% of applications either do not qualify for audit (eg: because targeted stock is officially overexploited or data deficient) or else they do not pass the actual onsite audit (for non conformity with other requirements). Selectivity provides further assurance to consumers on the reliability of the certification. Nowadays 70 different species are available on the market with Friend of the Sea seal of approval.