FoS certifies Ittica Golfo di Follonica Soc. Agricola srl. as respectful of Tuscany marine environment

The Ittica Golfo di Follonica aquaculture plant is located on Tuscany coast and it produces seabream and seabass for the major Italian retailers, who are requesting Friend of the Sea certification to alla its aquaculture and wild-catch suppliers.
The company has 18 off-shore cages protected from birds entrance by nets. Cages are placed at least 15 meters from the seabed and deposition is periodically analyzed for nitrogen and phosphorus contents, oxygen concentration and organic material.
“Retail chains in Italy and Europe are more and more demanding on sustainability“ explains Ms Valeria Paternoster, Quality Manager at Ittica Golfo di Follonica “Friend of the Sea certification is the only international program for aquaculture sustainability and it rightly places aquaculture production on the same level as wild-catch”.
The Ittica Golfo di Follonica Soc. Agricola is one of the FOS certified suppliers of the italian retail chains COOP and CONAD, which both applied to let their suppliers undergo the certification audit.
For more information please contact:

Paolo Bray – Director
Friend of the Sea
Valeria paternoster – Quality manager
Ittica Golfo di Follonica Soc. Agricola Srl
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed