Eskimo 3 omega supplements Cardinova certified sustainable fish oils

Eskimo 3, Cardinova Omega 3 supplements product line, is now carrying Friend of the Sea seal of approval. All marine ingredients at the base of the product line originate from certified fish oil producers, sourcing from approved Friend of the Sea fisheries. 

The fish oil is sourced from anchovies fished in the South East Pacific Ocean by a Friend of the Sea approved 37 vessels fleet. The fishery is managed according to sustainable criteria, with highly selective fishing method and from stocks that are not overfished nor overexploited. 

Cardinova has a traceability system in place and analytic reports on tracking and tracing are available in order to demonstrate the product respects all requirements of FOS standard and that there is no possibility of mixing FOS certified and non-certified products. 

“Environmental sustainability is part of our philosophy and we rely on Friend of the Sea to prove the sustainable origin of our products” explains Peter Åberg, COO of Cardinova. 

“We’re glad that Cardinova placed its trust in our project: our common aim is conservation of the marine habitat”, adds Paolo Bray Director of Friend of the Sea certification program. 

For more information please contact: 

Paolo Bray – Director
Friend of the Sea 

Peter Åberg – COO
Cardinova a Bringwell Company 

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed.

Cardinova is a Sweden pharmaceutical company located in Uppsala, Sweden. Specially known for their products based on omega-3 fatty acids and products used in prevention of heart disease, Cardinova has been a manufacturer of natural medicines for over 18 years. The company provides the market with  natural pharmaceuticals and food supplements but also ingredients for the food industry. The products are exported to different countries around the world and are available through local distributors.