Domstein farmed cod gets Friend of the Sea certification

As the Friend of the Sea project meets an increasing enthusiasm among the Norwegian seafood producers, a major company- Domstein – obtains the sustainability certification for its farmed cod production supplies.

Environmental impact assessments have been run successfully before sites development and water parameters are being checked on a daily basis. Cages technical specification prevent escapes while action plans are in place in case any escape would occur. No GM feed is fed, following strict feed management procedure. Feed use optimization and more than 65 meters depth under the cages ensure limited a sustainable impact of the production on the environment.
“Domstein is not new to environmental certification, having achevied also ISO 14001 and KRAV certification” comments Tone Karstensen of Domstein Fish AS “Friend of the Sea is an international seafood certification and will surely represent an added value for some European markets”

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