Atlantic Shrimpers Prim7stars brand now Friend of the Sea

Atlantic Shrimpers Limited Nigerian trawlers, fishing in the FAO Area 34 (Atlantic Eastern Central) around the Nigerian coast, positively concluded Friend of the Sea audit for Tiger shrimps (Penaeus monodon). Prim7stars shrimps can now proudly display the international sustainability seal of approval.

Atlantic Shrimpers operates in the area since 1996, now counting 70 fishing trawlers  and being the largest fishing company in Nigeria and one of the largest in Africa. Atlantic Shrimpers Limited and Primstar B.V. are producers and exporters of sea frozen products from Nigeria, exporting to Europe, USA & Far East, and also provide seafood for the domestic market.

Atlantic Shrimpers Limited works closely with the regulatory body, Federal Department of Fisheries (F.D.F.) in the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure sustainable and responsible fishing practices and has actively participated in the Global Environment Facility (G.E.F.) United Nations Environment Program (U.N.E.P.) Food and Agricultural Organization (F.A.O.) shrimp fisheries project for studies in by catch reduction.

The Penaeus monodon stock was found to be not overexploited and fishing gears met all Friend of the Sea criteria. Trawlers do not operate on rocky or coral areas, not even in the river mouth areas and no Marine Protected Areas are to be found within the fishing zone. Gears are designed complying FAO and USA guidelines on use of Turtle Excluder Devices in order to preserve the seabed and reduce bycatch.

The discard rate is negligible, the entire catches must be reported to the Fishery Department and all bycaught fishes is actually sold on the market. Waste and energy efficiency systems are in place.

Furthermore all products are packed and labeled directly on the boat during the freezing, reporting freezing date, EU approval number, vessel name, and batch number.

“We are proud to have obtained the Friend of the Sea certification”, says Mr.Kamlesh Kabra, CEO of Atlantic Shrimpers Limited , “a recognition which once more highlights our efforts towards the preservation of the marine habitat.”

Paolo Bray – Director
Friend of the Sea

Mr. Kamlesh – CEO
Atlantic Shrimpers Limited

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international non-profit certification scheme for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Certified products are fished from not overexploited nor IUCN Redlisted stocks and with selective methods which do not impact the seabed. Those originate from aquaculture are reared with respect of critical habitat, with no use of antifoulants, GMOS and growth hormones. 

Over 250 companies in 50 countries worldwide have relied on Friend of the Sea to certify the sustainability of the origin of their products. An estimated 40% of applications either do not qualify for audit (eg: because targeted stock is officially overexploited or data deficient) or else they do not pass the actual onsite audit (for non conformity with other requirements). Selectivity provides further assurance to consumers on the reliability of the certification. Nowadays 70 different species are available on the market with Friend of the Sea seal of approval.

Atlantic Shrimpers Limited & Prim7Stars
Prim7Stars is a seafood brand known for a high quality range of wild caught products. Approximately 3.500 metric tons of tropical shrimps are caught annually by the largest fishing company in Nigeria,Atlantic Shrimpers Limited. Prim7Stars seafood is exclusively distributed worldwide by Primstar B.V. – The Netherlands.