Alaskan Seafood Producers Cooperative (SPC) King and Coho Salmon approved by FOS

King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) and Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), from the Alaskan Seafood Producers Cooperative (SPC) (, representing over 575 fishermen and employees, have been certified Friend of the Sea.

SPC King and Coho Salmon are caught using the Troll fishing method by catching one fish at a time. Non-targeted fish are seldom captured and the seabed is not impacted by the trolling method. Target Alaskan salmon stocks are not over exploited.

The SPC also support the Marine Debris Cleanup project which aims to remove plastic and marine debris from remote coastal beaches that would have been harmful to local wildlife.

Paolo Bray, Executive Director of Friend of the Sea explains “The Alaskan Seafood Producers Cooperative sell to many major retailers globally. Consumers recognize Friend of the Sea’s strict criteria and they trust that Friend of the Sea products are fully sustainable.”

For more information, please contact:

Sales Manager – Jeff Reynolds
Seafood Producers Cooperative (SPC)
Tel: 1-360-733-0120

Executive Director – Mr Paolo Bray
Friend of the Sea
Tel: +39 348 565 0306