Corpesca S.A. renews Friend of the Sea Certification

Global leader in the production of fishmeal  and fish oil, Corpesca S.A has renewed its Friend of the Sea Certification for the third time.

Initially certified in 2017, Corpesca S.A remains strongly committed to producing fishmeal and fish oil from marine sources with the highest ethics of sustainability; earning the internationally recognised Friend of the Sea certification.


Headquartered in Santiago, Chile, Corpesca S.A specialises in fish extraction; producing fishmeal and fishoil, through pocesses that ensure utmost protection of the marine environment. The major fishing company has received the Friend of the Sea recertification.

Over the years, Corpesca S.A has used the purse-seine fishing method, which serves as an efficient form of fishing as it has no contact with the seabed; resulting in low levels of bycatch. The company prioritizes environmental sustainability as a key pillar of its business strategy.

Corpesca’s renewal of the Friend of the Sea certification is demonstrative not only of its deep dedication to sustainability, but also the immense value provided by displaying the world’s leading sustainability certification on its products.


Corpesca S.A. Secures Friend of the Sea Certification for the Third Time


Established in 2008, Friend of the Sea is a non-governmental organisation aimed at safeguarding the marine environment and its resources; encouraging a sustainable market and implementing specific conservation projects.

The certification programme entails the assessment of fisheries and aquaculture products, with audits conducted by third-party auditors. It is carried out in strict adherence to sustainability criteria, requirements, and the environment.

The Friend of the Sea Certification issued to Corpesca S.A for the third time, serves as assurance of the company’s long standing adherence to marine conservation and ocean sustainability, while providing quality fish based products for consumers in Chile and across the world.