FOS helps Save the Albatross campaign and calls for seafood companies to do the same

As part of Friend of the Sea’s mission to protect aquatic ecosystem, the NGO also regularly funds selected conservation projects. Save the Albatross, a global campaign of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( has been selected for FOS funding, as it is achieving tangible results in the conservation of these endangered sea birds.

Albatrosses are true ocean-going birds and include the world’s largest flying bird, the Wandering albatross. They face many threats, including incidental capture in longline and trawl fisheries – if no bycatch reduction measures are implemented – 17 of the world’s 22 albatross species are at risk. Nine species are either endangered or critically endangered, according to the IUCN Redlist (

The RSPB and BirdLife International have developed the Albatross Task Force, a global team that works with fishermen to save the albatross from extinction. The project educates fishermen and the industry stakeholders in seven seabird bycatch hotspots worldwide, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Namibia, South Africa, Uruguay to implement appropriate bycatch reduction measures on board vessels.

An estimated 100.000 albatrosses are killed in fisheries every year. Considering mature albatross of some species lay one egg every two years, this mortality rate is not sustainable.

“All seafood companies should donate to the Albatross Task Force” comments Paolo Bray – Director of Friend of the Sea “ and ship owners should fully collaborate with the Albatross Task Force to help fishermen’s awareness and to learn about implementation of seabird bycatch reduction measures. Friend of the Sea offers its full support to this valuable project!”

To learn more about Albatross Task Force, a project of BirdLife International, watch their video:

Photo shows Brazilian ATF member Juliano Cesar at sea with a dead albatross

For more information, please contact:

Executive Director – Mr Paolo Bray
Friend of the Sea
Tel: +39 348 565 0306

Supporter Relations Manager – Mr David Agombar
Tel:+ 44 (0)1767 693360
RSPB are the largest wildlife conservation organization in Europe with over one million members.