Nigeria for Sea Turtles Conservation


Southern Sun Hotel – 5th of July -10:30AM – Free Entrance w Lunch Buffet 10.30 AM  Friend of the Sea: Sea Turtles in Nigeria and Turtle Safe fishing methods. Paolo Bray, Founder and Director of the World Sustainability Organization & Foundation 11.00 AM  Atlantic Shrimpers Turtle Safe Award Ceremony. CEO of Atlantic Shrimpers Limited 11:30 AM  Doyinsola Ogunye […]

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Turtle Safe Awards Ceremony

L’acquario di Sardegna a Cala Gonone ottiene la certificazione di sostenibilità Friend of the Sea®


Tra ulivi secolari e rigogliosa macchia mediterranea, nel comune di Dorgali, in Sardegna, sorge l’Acquario di Cala Gonone, in una posizione fortunata che assicura una vista mozzafiato sul Golfo di Orosei. Per la realizzazione della struttura, gli architetti di fama internazionale Peter Chermayeff e Sebastiano Gaias hanno adoperato pietra locale, una scelta che dona all’Acquario […]

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World Sustainability Organization Puts the Focus on Africa With High-Level Visit to the Region and New Projects


From June 23rd to July 7th, the Director of the World Sustainability Organization/Friend of the Sea & Friend of the Earth will visit South Africa, Zambia, and Nigeria. The visit will highlight outstanding stories of sustainable transformation while unveiling new initiatives in favor of sustainable development, contributing to local, national, and regional efforts. The African […]

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African Sustainability Tour

South African Top Abalone Farm to Receive Special Friend of the Sea 2022 Sustainability Award.


Abagold, one of South Africa’s leading abalone farming companies, producing this highly valued luxury seafood, will receive the award on June 25th in recognition of their outstanding efforts to preserve and sustainably produce the species.  Friend of the Sea is pleased to announce that Abagold has been selected among over 1000 companies, who form part of the international […]

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Heart Of Abalone (PTY)

A Golfo Aranci DMG Sardegna ottiene la certificazione di Dolphin Watching Sostenibile


Un’escursione con DMG Sardegna a Golfo Aranci, alla ricerca dei delfini, significa trovarsi coinvolti in un percorso conoscitivo verso un’esperienza sostenibile e autentica, in uno dei mari più belli del mondo. Significa entrare in connessione con un ecosistema ricco ma fragile, quindi da trattare con cura. DMG Sardegna, infatti, è un gruppo di istruttori subacquei e guide […]

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Pula Aquarium in Croatia to be awarded Friend of the Sea for its sustainable practices


The Pula Aquarium will be awarded, on the 17th of June at the Pula Aquarium in Croatia, with the “Friend of the Sea Sustainable Aquaria Certification”.   The certificate confirms Pula Aquarium’s outstanding front line work in marine conservation.   The Aquarium Pula, launched by the biologist Dr Milena Mičić in 2000, is currently the largest aquarium in […]

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Sustainable Aquaria

Friend of the Sea® certifica M.Gi.B per le sue vongole sostenibili


Gli spaghetti alle vongole non sono tutti uguali, quelli preparati con le vongole M.Gi.B possono vantare una materia prima speciale. Non si tratta solo del fatto che la vongola M.Gi.B. è un prodotto freschissimo, allevato nell’Oasi naturalistica del Delta del Po, in acque dai fondali bassi e ricche di nutrienti, quindi nelle migliori condizioni possibili. […]

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