Aquarium Pula, the largest aquarium in Croatia, obtains Friend of the Sea sustainability certification for its outstanding efforts in marine conservation.


Aquarium experiences provide a unique opportunity for the public, not only as a tangible engagement with marine life, but also to build an emotional attachment to animals, ultimately contributing to wider conservation efforts. By acknowledging this crucial opportunity to build public support, Friend of the Sea initiated the Sustainable Aquaria Certification to recognize aquaria that foster marine […]

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Webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: the endangered Titicaca water frog.”-  29th of March 2022 at 3PM (Central Europe Time)


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: the endangered Titicaca water frog”. This webinar can be of interest to: – government officials – companies’ sustainability and environmental managers – media professionals, journalists – […]

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Webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study:

Invito alla Giornata delle Farfalle. 26 Marzo 2022, presso il Parco Policentrico Collodi – Pinocchio – Collodi (Pescia – Pt) Italy

17/03/2022 Recorded event Friend of the Earth è lieta di invitarla ad una giornata divulgativa sul tema della Conservazione delle Farfalle   L’Italia è il secondo paese con la maggiore biodiversità di farfalle in Europa, ma le popolazioni delle varie specie sono in declino ed in pericolo a causa della perdita degli habitat, di pratiche […]

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Calls for sustainable sources of omega 3 to preserve marine environments, NORSAN SRL provides an answer


Despite omega 3 providing an inexpensive and effective household remedy for cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, depression, and more recently promising results in COVID-19 patients, providing the supplement can potentially impact fish populations worldwide. The US2.2 billion and steadily growing omega 3 market, of which is predominantly sourced from oily fish, is consequently suggested to be responsible […]

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Emytan® ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea


Combattere l’ansia ed alleviare lo stress quotidiano, supportare la memoria, regolare il colesterolo assunto e curare forme di acne o impurità della pelle: sono solo alcune delle azioni benefiche di Emytan® Omega 3, capsule che sostengono l’organismo nel rispetto dell’ambiente.  L’ultimo arrivato in casa Idrotermoclima, infatti, ha ottenuto la certificazione Friend of the Sea®  per i prodotti nutraceutici. L’azienda, […]

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Kingfish Zeeland ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea per il primo allevamento sostenibile a terra di ricciola oceanica (e alimentato al 100% con energia rinnovabile)


Sull’estuario marino del fiume Sheldt, all’interno della Riserva protetta “Natura 2000”, immersa nella natura incontaminata della provincia olandese della Zelanda, sorge Kingfish Zeeland: il primo allevamento sostenibile a terra di ricciola oceanica (Seriola Lalandi).   Kingfish Zeeland alleva una ricciola oceanica di altissima qualità, senza compromessi sulla sostenibilità e con il minore impatto ambientale possibile […]

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Hapag-Lloyd AG to receive Friend of the Sea’s Whale-Safe award


The first company to receive recognition owning to their outstanding practise, commitments, and concern towards the protection of endangered whale populations from lethal ship strikes Friend of the Sea, a conservation project by the World Sustainability Organization is pleased to award Hapag-Lloyd, one of the world’s leading shipping companies, the highest level of Whale-Safe recognition […]

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The World Sustainability Organization announces opening of the first Ethical and Sustainable Showroom in Milan: a must for responsible buyers.


The first Ethical and Sustainable Showroom, managed by the World Sustainability Organization will open just before the famous week of fashion in Milan, on the 19th of February For more info and to book the date and time slot of your visit Tel. +39 3441580067

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Wso Sustainable & Ethical

Webinar on “Whale Ship Strikes: conservation initiatives and the Whale Safe project” – 17th of February 2022 at 3:00 pm in Milan, CET


  Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Whale Ship Strikes: conservation initiatives and the Whale Safe project”. This webinar can be of interest to: – Fishing companies – Shipping operators and cruise lines – Dolphin and whale watching operators – Government officials – Companies’ sustainability and environmental managers – […]

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Whale Ship Strikes Conservation Initiatives