The city of Pula receives the first Friend of the Sea Sustainable Award for its merits in showcasing sustainability and environmental awareness.


In a first, Friend of the Sea Confers the Sustainable City Award to Pula in Croatia. The city of Pula in Croatia has become the first on the global stage to receive the Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award. This special recognition was delivered on Friday, June 17th, 2022, by the Founder and Director of the international certification […]

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The city of Pula receives the first Friend of the Sea Sustainable

Torna a Milano l’Ethical and Sustainable Showroom della World Sustainability Organization


Il primo Showroom interamente dedicato a capi realizzati secondo i principi dell’etica e della sostenibilità si prepara ad aprire le porte della sua seconda edizione, a Milano, dal 20 al 26 settembre, contestualmente alla settimana della moda. Dopo il successo della prima edizione, a febbraio scorso, l’Ethical and Sustainable Showroom, progetto della World Sustainability Organization e parte […]

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Sustainable and Ethical Showroom


The Sustainable Showroom will open during the famous week of fashion in Milan, on the 20th of September and until the 26th.   The Showroom is located in the certified restaurant Temakinho – via Boccaccio, 4 – Milan.  For more info and to book the date and time slot of your visit Tel. +39 3441580067

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Sustainable and Ethical Showroom

First Oyster Farm Established in the Middle East Receives Friend of the Sea Recognition for Sustainable Practices.


Dibba Bay Oyster Farm is a unique project producing sustainably farmed gourmet oysters in the pristine waters of Northern Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates while supporting marine conservation efforts. Oysters are traditionally found in the cooler waters of Europe, North America, or East China, the world’s biggest producers of the highly appreciated shellfish. However, since its creation […]

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First Oyster Farm Established in the Middle East

Webinar on big cats conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: camera traps and the snow leopard. 14th of September 2022 at 3PM (Central Europe Time).


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Big cats conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: camera traps and the snow leopard.”  14th of September 2022 at 3PM (Central Europe Time).   This webinar can be of interest to:   – Agriculture companies – food producers and […]

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Webinar on big cats conservation status and Friend of the Earth

Diving Sostenibile, Friend of the Sea certifica i primi quattro operatori in Croazia


Nella vicinissima Istria, penisola della Croazia sulla sponda est del Mare Adriatico, è possibile vivere un’esperienza straordinaria alla scoperta del mondo subacqueo grazie ai centri di immersione certificati Friend of the Sea®. Friend of the Sea®, standard globale per prodotti e servizi che rispettano e tutelano l’oceano e le sue risorse, ha infatti creato la certificazione Sustainable Diving, […]

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Immersioni sostenibili nelle Isole Pelagie: Friend of the Sea® certifica quattro operatori


Fare immersioni subacquee è come entrare in un nuovo mondo, il mondo degli oceani, alla scoperta delle meraviglie sommerse: pesci, coralli, tartarughe, scogli e grotte, veri e propri anfratti di biodiversità. È importante però sapere che anche sott’acqua ci sono delle regole da rispettare, per evitare comportamenti che causino danni all’ecosistema marino. Per questo motivo, Friend […]

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Fish Oil Producer Daudruy Van Cauwenberghe finds in Sustainability the Key to Thriving in a Booming Global Market.


Friend of the Sea praises the French company’s renewed and longstanding efforts to adopt sustainable social and eco-responsible practices.   In recent years, the global fish oil market has experienced exponential growth due to the increasing interest in its beneficial properties. Business projections indicate that this upward trajectory will continue, with an annual growth of […]

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Fish Oil Producer Daudruy Van Cauwenberghe finds in Sustainability the Key to Thriving in a Booming Global Market.
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