Tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulle tartarughe marine in occasione della Giornata mondiale delle tartarughe


Il 23 maggio è la Giornata mondiale delle tartarughe e per celebrarla, Friend of the Sea® e la World Sustainability Foundation vi porteranno nel mondo di una delle creature più belle e allo stesso tempo a rischio di estinzione: la tartaruga marina comune, una specie di tartaruga marina nota anche come Caretta caretta. Le tartarughe esistono da oltre 200 milioni […]

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La World Sustainability Organization presenta le certificazioni di sostenibilità Friend of the Sea e Friend of the Earth all’Expo Agriculture Days 2023


L’agroalimentare è uno dei settori cruciali dei Paesi balcanici, in particolar modo in Albania, con oltre il 40% della superficie vocata all’agricoltura, genera circa il 23% del PIL del paese e offre opportunità lavorative a circa il 43% del totale degli occupati. Fondamentale quindi essere parte del “Green Deal” europeo che propone una nuova strategia […]

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Webinar on Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications”


19th April of 2023 at 3PM (Central European Summer Time). Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications”. The webinar can be of interest to: – Agriculture and farming companies – food producers and traders – Retail and wholesale chains – Government officials, […]

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Webinar on Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications

Turkish Gümüşdoğa is ready to show the Friend of the Sea logo on its Seabass and Seabream packaging


At Gümüşdoğa, sustainability is an approach towards the planet, animals, and workers. Therefore, Gümüşdoğa Aquaculture carries out its activities with an environmentally friendly perspective by reducing the environmental impacts of its fish farming and production activities at every step. Friend of the Sea®, a project of the World Sustainability Organization, has recognized and verified Gümüşdoğa’s commitment […]

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Turkish Gümüşdoğa is ready to show the Friend of the Sea logo on its Seabass and Seabream packaging

Aumenta il consumo di integratori, meglio allora scegliere quelli certificati Friend of the Sea® come Omega 3 Plus di Eurosup


Per gli appassionati di sport, ma anche per chi vuole seguire un regime alimentare salutistico e improntato sul benessere, gli integratori sono ormai parte della spesa di tutti i giorni. Secondo una recente ricerca Ipsos commissionata dall’Associazione europea Food Supplements Europe (FSE) e condotta su 13.200 adulti in 14 Paesi dell’Unione Europea, l’88% degli intervistati […]

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E’ italiana la Fondazione Mondiale per la Sostenibilità. La Fondazione è già impegnata con progetti di conservazione e umanitari in oltre 40 Paesi nel mondo.


The World Sustainability Foundation makes it possible to actively contribute to conservation and humanitarian initiatives simply by purchasing products certified as sustainable by Friend of the Sea® and Friend of the Earth® Milan-based World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is a nonprofit with global social solidarity goals. Land enhancement, protection of marine and terrestrial resources and habitats, […]

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Webinar on “Offsetting our Plastic Footprint to support clean oceans, circular economy and sustainable livelihoods”. 25th of January 2023 at 4:00 pm in Milan, CET


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Offsetting our Plastic Footprint to support clean oceans, circular economy and sustainable livelihoods”. This webinar can be of interest to: – Fishing and seafood companies – Agriculture and farming companies – Food producers and traders – Retail and wholesale chains and […]

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Webinar on “Offsetting our Plastic Footprint to support clean oceans, circular economy and sustainable livelihoods
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