EasyVit® Pharmaceuticals’ Omega-3 supplements are now Friend of the Sea® Certified


In October, Friend of the Sea® certified a new vitamin company in the Netherlands.  EasyVit® is a “top quality, science-oriented, innovative family of nutritional supplements aimed at maintaining and improving your health.” easyVit® uses its patented ConCordix® technology which emulsifies fatty acids, water and oil in their chewable gel vitamins. This structure follows the same way we take […]

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Marine conservation projects and awareness

“Fibre tessili ecologiche, sostenibili e circolari”: in arrivo il secondo corso di formazione online della WSO.


È dedicato all’industria del tessile il secondo appuntamento dei corsi di formazione online della World Sustainability Organization e dei suoi progetti, le certificazioni internazionali di sostenibilità Friend of the Sea® e Friend of the Earth®. “Fibre tessili ecologiche, sostenibili e circolari” è infatti il titolo del corso che si svolgerà giovedì 15 dicembre, dalle ore 15. L’accesso alla […]

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Who knew coral could be good for your health? Coral LLC markets an innovative supplement


Friend of the Sea® certified company Coral LLC produces an ingenious product: from an ancient coral reef, they extract calcium to be pulverized into a nutritional supplement. The importance of live coral is well known.  Without it, marine life and biodiversity severely suffer.  However, one of Friend of the Sea® original certified companies, Coral LLC, has discovered an inventive […]

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Who knew coral could be good for your health? Coral LLC markets an innovative supplement

Una nuova confezione di vongole del Pacifico con il logo di Friend of the Sea® si aggiunge nei banchi freezer dei supermercati


E’ la vongola di Panapesca, azienda di Montecatini da cinquant’anni operativa nella lavorazione, commercializzazione e distribuzione di prodotti ittici. Panapesca ha infatti ricevuto da Friend of the Sea® la certificazione di Acquacoltura sostenibile per la sua vongola Meretrix meretrix, questo il nome scientifico della specie. L’azienda ha dimostrato non solo di allevare la vongola del Pacifico garantendo la massima […]

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The city of Pula receives the first Friend of the Sea Sustainable Award for its merits in showcasing sustainability and environmental awareness.


In a first, Friend of the Sea Confers the Sustainable City Award to Pula in Croatia. The city of Pula in Croatia has become the first on the global stage to receive the Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award. This special recognition was delivered on Friday, June 17th, 2022, by the Founder and Director of the international certification […]

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The city of Pula receives the first Friend of the Sea Sustainable

Torna a Milano l’Ethical and Sustainable Showroom della World Sustainability Organization


Il primo Showroom interamente dedicato a capi realizzati secondo i principi dell’etica e della sostenibilità si prepara ad aprire le porte della sua seconda edizione, a Milano, dal 20 al 26 settembre, contestualmente alla settimana della moda. Dopo il successo della prima edizione, a febbraio scorso, l’Ethical and Sustainable Showroom, progetto della World Sustainability Organization e parte […]

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Sustainable and Ethical Showroom


The Sustainable Showroom will open during the famous week of fashion in Milan, on the 20th of September and until the 26th.   The Showroom is located in the certified restaurant Temakinho – via Boccaccio, 4 – Milan.  For more info and to book the date and time slot of your visit https://friendoftheearth.org/sustainable-showroom/ info@friendoftheearth.org Tel. +39 3441580067

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Sustainable and Ethical Showroom
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