Mappa del sito Friend of the Sea
News (476 - 501 of 1562)
- 476)Friend of the Sea Honors World Manta Day with Standards for Sustainable Manta Ray Watching and Species Protection
- 477)Qingdao Kangjing Marine Biotechnology Co. ,LTD. (China): Antarctic krill
- 478)Catalent (Italy): Peruvian anchovy
- 479)Calanus AS (Norway): Calanus finmarchicus
- 480)La Certificazione di Dolphin Watching Sostenibile sbarca nell’Arcipelago della Maddalena
- 481)We are officially a Friend of the Sea!
- 482)PT. Windublambangan Sejati (Indonesia): Indian white prawn, giant tiger prawn, big blue octopus
- 483)Conex Trade (Croatia): European anchovy, European sardine
- 484)Loch Duart Ltd (UK): Atlantic salmon
- 485)Biomega Naturals Nutrients (Spain): Atlantic cod
- 486)Dall’incontro tra Sud America e Giappone nasceva oltre 100 anni fa la cucina Nikkei. Dal 2011 Temakinho la propone in Europa in modo innovativo, sostenibile, certificato.
- 487)Friend of the Sea Debuts Sea Turtle Watching Standard
- 488)Friend of the Sea Certifies for Sustainable Seafood Production Freshé brand and EcoFish
- 489)È ufficiale la collaborazione tra DiveCircle e Friend of the Sea per l’organizzazione di viaggi eco-sostenibili certificati.
- 490)Friend of the Sea Launches First-Ever Sustainable Manta Ray Watching Standard
- 491)Friend of the Sea Certifies A. Moras & Comp. GmbH & Co. KG for Sustainable Practices in Seafood-Based Nutraceuticals and Omega 3 Products
- 492)Friend of the Sea Launches First-Ever Sustainable Whale Shark Watching Standard
- 493)Friend of the Sea onora la Giornata degli Squali con attività atte a proteggerli.
- 494)R.E.A.L. Prime Seafoods Supply (Philippines): yellowfin tuna
- 495)Il pesce sostenibile che ti mantiene ‘vivo’. Dal mare alla padella in meno di 24 ore.
- 496)WEBINAR: Albatrosses and other seabirds’ bycatch in fishing gears. Prevention and conservation measures. Puerto de Celeiro case study
- 497)CFG Investment (Perù): Peruvian anchovy
- 498)Pesquera Centinella (Perù): Peruvian anchovy
- 499)ECB (SARIA) S.r.l. (Italy): yellowfin tuna
- 500)INTERVIEW: ASBTIA (Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association)
Aziende (476 - 501 of 990)
- 476)Keypharm N.V.
- 477)Kibu Pte. Ltd.
- 480)Kingfish Zeeland BV
- 481)KinOmega Biopharm Inc.
- 483)Kolega Bros Pty Ltd
- 484)Kollo Health Ltd
- 485)Koptur Balikcilik Gida San. Nak. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
- 486)Kornat Ittica doo
- 487)Köster Marine Proteins GmbH
- 489)L’Isola d’oro s.r.l.
- 490)La Maison de Wakefield
- 493)Laayoune Proteine Sarl
- 494)Lab Nat
- 495)Labiotre Srl
- 496)Laboratoire CCD
- 497)Laboratoire Duchange
- 498)Laboratoire Greenvet
- 499)Laboratoires Innéov
- 500)Laboratoires JUVA PRODUCTIONS
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