Friend of the Sea Honors World Manta Day with Standards for Sustainable Manta Ray Watching and Species Protection


Certification standards and practices enable the September 17 awareness event to drive environmentally sustainable manta ray watching excursions and “swim with manta ray” programs September 17, 2020 will be World Manta Day, a worldwide celebration of Manta Rays. Friend of the Sea, the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect […]

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Manta Ray Watching

La Certificazione di Dolphin Watching Sostenibile sbarca nell’Arcipelago della Maddalena


Valorizzare le risorse dell’ambiente marino per il rilancio di un turismo sostenibile ed ecologico. E’ questo lo scopo  di Friend of the Sea che prevede di accompagnare gli operatori turistici nella conversione delle loro attività escursionistiche trasformandole in attività eco turistiche in sintonia con l’ambiente e con i suoi abitanti.  La Ditta Morello, da anni […]

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Dall’incontro tra Sud America e Giappone nasceva oltre 100 anni fa la cucina Nikkei. Dal 2011 Temakinho la propone in Europa in modo innovativo, sostenibile, certificato.


Da quasi otto anni ormai, quando si parla di cucina nippo brasiliana in Italia, come anche più di recente in Spagna e in Gran Bretagna, è impossibile non menzionare la regina incontrastata delle catene di sushi, Temakinho, dove la prelibatezza dei temaki si sposa alla perfezione con il gusto esotico e latino della caipirinha. Una […]

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Friend of the Sea Debuts Sea Turtle Watching Standard


Global certification standards body provides guidelines for sustainable observation of a wide range of sea turtle species Friend of the Sea, the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced the debut of the standard for sustainable sea turtle watching. The standard makes it possible for […]

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Turtle Watching

Friend of the Sea Certifies for Sustainable Seafood Production Freshé brand and EcoFish


Producer of environmentally sustainable seafood and all-natural artisanal tinned meals commits to practices that protect the marine environment  Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced that it has certified EcoFish Freshé brand for sustainable seafood production practices. The company demonstrated sound environmental […]

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brand and EcoFish

È ufficiale la collaborazione tra DiveCircle e Friend of the Sea per l’organizzazione di viaggi eco-sostenibili certificati.


Il tour operator online offre viaggi per interagire con cetacei, mante tartarughe marine e squali balena, tutti aderenti agli standard di protezione degli habitat e dell’ambiente marino di Friend of the Sea.  Friend of the Sea, il principale standard di certificazione globale per prodotti e servizi che rispettano e proteggono l’ambiente marino, ha annunciato oggi […]

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Friend of the Sea Launches First-Ever Sustainable Manta Ray Watching Standard


Enables fun, safe and environmentally sustainable practices for operators of manta ray watching excursions and “swim with manta ray” programs Friend of the Sea, the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced that it has launched the first-ever sustainable standard for manta ray watching excursions. […]

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Manta Ray Watching

Friend of the Sea Launches First-Ever Sustainable Whale Shark Watching Standard


Practices enable fun, safe and environmentally sustainable observations of the world’s largest fish  Friend of the Sea, the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has launched the first-ever sustainable whale shark watching standard. The standard enables people to observe and even swim with the world’s largest fish […]

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Friend of the Sea Launches First-Ever Sustainable Whale Shark Watching Standard

Friend of the Sea onora la Giornata degli Squali con attività atte a proteggerli.


Lo standard di certificazione  proibisce lo shark finning e crea un nuovo progetto per limitare l’impatto dei turisti sugli squali balena. Friend of the Sea, lo standard di certificazione preminente per prodotti e servizi che rispettano e proteggono l’ambiente marino, sta compiendo molteplici passi per proteggere gli squali, in onore della Giornata degli Squali, che […]

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