The Sustainable Seafood Movement is an initiative born as a result of overexploited and destroyed marine ecosystems throughout the world.  Awareness campaigns are vital and should focus on educating people and encouraging them to purchase sustainable seafood products that consider the conservation of marine species.

Seafood buyers are increasingly searching for ways to choose only products that are sourced from well-managed capture fisheries or aquaculture production facilities and to understand and reduce the environmental risks related to their seafood purchasing choices.

Our sustainable seafood news page will answer all your seafood questions!  

We regularly update this page to cover all aspects of seafood news, including up to date information about the seafood trade and all the latest insights from the seafood industry. You can also what’s going on in the seafood market and access current information about the retail sector with seafood supermarket news.

By clicking on the links below you can also access Friend of the Sea Webinars and online courses that cover a wide range of topics such as ‘Hydroponics: leading the way towards a mover sustainable agriculture’ to ‘Social accountability in Fisheries’.

If you are looking for seafood solutions click on the links below to see the latest seafood, aquaculture and fisheries news.

Dubrovnik Aquarium receives Friend of the Sea sustainable aquaria certification for responsible practices, awareness initiatives and animal welfare


An aquarium can play a crucial role to educate the public on issues related to marine conservation. Experience in nature has been well documented in the literature to explain environmentally friendly behaviour in humans, with intimate marine experiences offered by aquaria permitting these profound, behaviour changing opportunities.  At the same time an aquarium has the […]

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foto dubrovnik x sito

Pisciculture de Malte (Malta): seabass and sea bream


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing method: farmingScope: FOS – Marine Aquaculture v.2, FOS CoC  v.5Species: seabream (Sparus aurata) and seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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Aquarium Pula, the largest aquarium in Croatia, obtains Friend of the Sea sustainability certification for its outstanding efforts in marine conservation.


Aquarium experiences provide a unique opportunity for the public, not only as a tangible engagement with marine life, but also to build an emotional attachment to animals, ultimately contributing to wider conservation efforts. By acknowledging this crucial opportunity to build public support, Friend of the Sea initiated the Sustainable Aquaria Certification to recognize aquaria that foster marine […]

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foto Pula x sito

Zuvela d.o.o. (Croatia): European anchovy, European sardine, Pacific chub mackerel


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 37Fishing method: Purse seineScope: Wild fish v.3.1. – FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), European sardine (Sardinia pilchardus), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus)

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Natluk S.A. (Ecuador): Titi Wild Shrimp


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 87Fishing method: Trawl netsScope: Wild fish v.4, FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Camaron Pomada – Titi Wild Shrimp (Protrachipene Preciua)

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Atlantic Sapphire USA (USA): Atlantic salmon


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Scope: FOS Aqua Inland v. 3, FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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LLC Magadantralflot (Russia): Pacific sardine and Pacific herring


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 61Fishing method: midwater Trawl Scope: Wild fish v.4 – FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Pacific sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), Pacific herring (Clupea palassii)

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