The Sustainable Seafood Movement is an initiative born as a result of overexploited and destroyed marine ecosystems throughout the world.  Awareness campaigns are vital and should focus on educating people and encouraging them to purchase sustainable seafood products that consider the conservation of marine species.

Seafood buyers are increasingly searching for ways to choose only products that are sourced from well-managed capture fisheries or aquaculture production facilities and to understand and reduce the environmental risks related to their seafood purchasing choices.

Our sustainable seafood news page will answer all your seafood questions!  

We regularly update this page to cover all aspects of seafood news, including up to date information about the seafood trade and all the latest insights from the seafood industry. You can also what’s going on in the seafood market and access current information about the retail sector with seafood supermarket news.

By clicking on the links below you can also access Friend of the Sea Webinars and online courses that cover a wide range of topics such as ‘Hydroponics: leading the way towards a mover sustainable agriculture’ to ‘Social accountability in Fisheries’.

If you are looking for seafood solutions click on the links below to see the latest seafood, aquaculture and fisheries news.

Frabelle issued in TIME magazine to say it is a Friend of the Sea


Frabelle strong committment to sustainable fishing practices highlighted in TIME magazine (next  issue). The asiatic company joined Friend of the Sea communication initiative aimed to give voice to major certified players in the international seafood market and  to make TIME ‘s readers aware of the importance of sustainable fishing.   Frabelle is recognized as one […]

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Milano Finanza


Il Caviale una prerogativa dei russi? - Il top è in Italia e si chiama Calvisius

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Friend of the Sea stands in support of artisanal fisheries


Friend of the Sea is promoting a campaign in favor of small scale, artisanal fisheries who would like to be certified as sustainable but have the feeling they cannot afford all assessment and audit costs. Small fisheries carry important cultural, social and economical values for local communities. They also often contribute to the conservation of […]

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Friend of the Sea Main Sponsor ad AquaMed 2013


Friend of the Sea è lieta di annnunciare che sarà main sponsor della seconda edizione di  Aquamed, l’EVENTO dedicato all’industria dell’aquacultura sostenibile in programma il prossimo febbraio a Milano.   Il programma delle conferenze è in fase di definizione e si sviluperrà intorno alle seguenti tematiche:   • L’acquacoltura, il consumo di pesce, la salute dell’uomo […]

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