Friend of the Sea urges for regulation of Sustainable Seafood claims at FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI)


Makes statement that third-party certification and national accreditation should be mandatory for making claims about seafood sustainability Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, yesterday issued a statement at the 34th Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) that third-party certification and […]

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regulation of Sustainable Seafood claims - Fos

FLOTT S.p.A. ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea


“Vediamo l’ambiente come la nostra Casa principale”: questo il concetto alla base del progetto di FLOTT S.p.A., una delle più importanti aziende Italiane di pesca e lavorazione di prodotti ittici, venduti in oltre 40 Paesi del Mondo. Questa idea ha permesso a FLOTT, nata nel 1980 ad Apra (Palermo, Sicilia), di mettere in campo una […]

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Intervista a Paolo Bray, amico del mare e della terra


Quando parliamo di sostenibilità e tracciabilità in ambito agroalimentare è bene sottolineare l’importanza delle certificazioni sui prodotti, che attestano gli standard qualitativi del fornitore e garantiscono agli utenti una scelta consapevole. Abbiamo chiesto di sviluppare l’argomento a chi si occupa di tutela ambientale e sostenibilità da 30 anni Paolo Bray, fondatore e direttore della World […]

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Italian Cricket Farm ottiene la certificazione di Friend of the Earth


Alle porte di Torino, nel 2017, alcune società leader nel settore agro-alimentare piemontese decisero di dar vita ad un innovativo allevamento di insetti. I soci, infatti, hanno dato vita alla all’Italian Cricket Farm, specializzata nell’allevamenti di grilli. Quest’ultimi sono ritenuti il cibo del futuro, grazie al loro enorme apporto proteico. Al momento, però, i grilli […]

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From Sustainability to Regeneration – 1st Episode of Sustainable Friends


FROM SUSTAINABILITY TO REGENERATION 1st Episode of Sustainable Friends #SustainableFriends In this first episode of Sustainable Friends, Paolo Bray talks about the importance of rethinking society in terms, not only of Sustainability, but also of Regeneration for future generations. Sustainability and Regeneration Links Here you find some links from the video on From Sustainability to […]

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From Sustainability to Regeneration

Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector. 20th January  2021 – 2 PM (Central European Time)


The World Sustainability Organization,  invites you to register to the online course on “ Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector.”  This 4 hours course will cover the following subjects: –    Fish Packaging Materials and typologies. –    Pollution from Fish Packaging. –    Chemicals concerns from Fish packaging. –    Fish […]

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Packaging impact

Il tonno Mare Aperto ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea


Mare Aperto è un brand sempre più presente nelle dispense delle famiglie italiane. L’azienda è fortemente impegnata nel ridurre il proprio impatto ambientale, ad esempio selezionando fornitori – flotte ed armatori – certificati Friend of the Sea che operano con metodi di pesca selettivi, senza FADS con reti impiglianti ed evitando dunque la cattura accidentale […]

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Friend of the Sea Recertifies Golden Omega for Sustainable Production of Omega-3 Concentrates


The company recommits to practices that protect the marine environment  Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has issued a recertification to Golden Omega, the Chilean producer of Omega-3 concentrates. Golden Omega has recommitted to sustainable fishing and production processes. The company can […]

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golden omega suggerita

Webinar on Hydroponics: leading the way towards a more sustainable agriculture – H2orto Fri-EL. Tomato production in hydroponics. 27th January 2021 3pm CET


Friend of the Earth WebinarHydroponics: leading the way towards a more sustainable agriculture CASE STUDY: H2orto Fri-EL. Tomato production in hydroponics. Featuring:Roel KlapHead of Grower at Fri-ELGreenHouse Presenter:Paolo BrayFounder and DirectorFriend of the Sea – Friend of the Download presentation here   Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth is pleased to invite […]

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Webinar on Hydroponics