Mappa del sito Friend of the Sea
News (1401 - 1426 of 1556)
- 1401)More Senegal pole and line tuna fleets become Friend of the Sea
- 1402)Mussels farming plants in Australia will be audited next week
- 1403)Alex Seafood (PVT) Ltd hooks FoS certification for Sri Lankan tuna and swordfish
- 1404)New Zealand CRAMAC5 Rock Lobster certified Friend of the Sea
- 1405)Spanish Caviar Nacarii from farmed sturgeon certified FOS sustainable
- 1406)Spanish Mariscos Linamar S.L. launches FoS sustainable mussels from Galicia
- 1407)FoS sustainable tuna now traded in Spain by Comercial Pernas S.L.
- 1408)Omega 3 products from sustainable fishery will undergo a new audit next week
- 1409)The krill fishery in the Antartic Sea has been certified under very restrictive condition
- 1410)The yellowfin tuna fishery in FAO area 57 will be audited on the 15th of August
- 1411)Another shrimp farm in Vietnam is undergoing an audit against FoS criteria
- 1412)Dutch Noordzee Vissers Consortium III fleet approved by FoS
- 1413)Invitation to the FOS DAY Netherlands 30th September 2011
- 1414)A greek aquaculture plant will undergo a full assessment audit against FoS criteria
- 1415)Alaskan Salmon Fishery under assessment to obtain FOS approval
- 1416)A new traceability adit on tuna coming from Spain and processed in Greece
- 1417)Dorig Brandl will undergo a new traceability audit
- 1418)Oman Al Marsa artisanal one-hook mixed fishery approved FOS
- 1419)ASDOMAR Tuna launches major TV advertising campaign focused on FOS Sustainability certification and Social Accountability
- 1420)Longline tuna fishery in Fao Area 77 will be audited on the 6th of june
- 1421)FoS Awards outstanding sustainability achievements in Brussels
- 1422)Winterisation Europe’s fish oil from Morocco certified sustainable FoS.
- 1423)New traceability audit on tuna products will be run in the following days
- 1424)Epax is undergoing a traceability audit to check all its products origin from approved sources
- 1425)Purse seine tuna fishery will undergo a full assessment audit to check its conformity against FoS criteria
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