Mappa del sito Friend of the Sea
News (1001 - 1026 of 1551)
- 1001)Seabass and seabream by Kimagro Fishfarming Ltd from Cyprus confirmed FoS
- 1002)Norwegian Orkla Health confirmed FoS for Cod liver oil
- 1003)Sardines and tuna from German company Otto Franck obtain FoS certification
- 1004)Pesquera Hayduk SA (Peru) – Peruvian Anchovy Engraulis ringens
- 1005)Rai Seafoods Limited (UK)- Chinese Common Squid (Loligo chinensis)
- 1006)Philippine Frabelle’s tuna products confirmed Friend of the Sea
- 1007)Chemport Inc. (Korea)- Peruvian Anchovy (Engraulis ringens), European Anchovy (Engraulis ancrasicolus)
- 1008)Swedish company Cawells achieves FoS certification for Omega – 3
- 1009)CFG Investment SAC (Peru)- Peruvian Anchovy (Engraulis ringens)
- 1010)Otto Franck Import KG (Germany)- Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)…″”””
- 1011)Temakinho is the first restaurant chain to obtain FoS certification
- 1012)French company Sapmer confirmed Friend of the Sea and FAD Free
- 1013)FRESH Corporation achieves FoS certification for sustainable aquaculture
- 1015)Ukrainian AFC obtains FoS certification for Antarctic Krill
- 1016)Be a Friend of the Sea, not only on World Oceans Day
- 1017)Mori Seafood Pty Ltd (Australia) – Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
- 1018)Janatha Fishmeal and Oil Products (India) – Indian Oil Sardine (Sardinella longiceps)
- 1019)French company Seafoodexport achieves FoS certification
- 1020)FoS launches new international sustainable shipping standard: GreenSea and Seatrade cargo vessels are first to obtain the certification
- 1021)Ocean Products Seychelles Ltd obtains FoS certification
- 1022)FoS is “the single largest source of certified wild catch on the global market” according to the UN-founded ‘State of Sustainability Initiatives’
- 1023)Biosearch Life obtains FoS certification for Omega-3 products
- 1024)Humboldt Squid by Seatec Chile confirmed Friend of the Sea
- 1025)FoS launches “Sustainable Friends” awareness Festival across famous Mediterranean holiday locations
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