Tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulle barriere coralline in occasione della Giornata internazionale degli Oceani


In occasione della giornata internazionale degli Oceani, l’8 giugno, Friend of the Sea® vi regala un’immersione nel mondo sottomarino raccontandovi alcune curiosità su un ecosistema tanto prezioso quanto in pericolo, che troviamo proprio in fondo ai mari e agli oceani tropicali: la barriera corallina. Distribuite solo nelle fasce intertropicali, dove la temperatura dell’acqua è ai livelli necessari […]

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The World Sustainability Foundation


The World Sustainability Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing sustainability and protecting the environment and its species. https://worldsustainabilityfoundation.org/ The World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is a non-profit arm of the World Sustainability Organization (WSO) that aims to protect and improve the environment by promoting a culture of sustainable development. Chaired by the economist and […]

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The World Sustainability Foundation

Friend of the Sea e Galapagos Conservation Trust insieme per l’albatross delle Galapagos


Grazie al supporto dato alla Fondazione inglese, Friend of the Sea consentirà di portare a termine il progetto per la classificazione della plastica raccolta dalle spiagge dell’arcipelago, tra le principali minacce per la sopravvivenza degli albatross. Si arricchisce la lista di progetti di conservazione che vedono impegnato Friend of the Sea®. Il programma della World Sustainability Organization […]

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INTERVIEW: Tartalife: Reduction of sea turtle mortality in the professional fishing


Mr. Paolo Bray interviews Dr. Alessandro Lucchetti, PhD Researcher at CNR, expert in national and european legislation on fishing gears and project coordinator in Tartalife, a program to introduce turtle bycatch reduction measures in fishing. TARTALIFE:The conservation of Caretta caretta, a priority species included in App. II/IV of the Habitat Directive and protected in various […]

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Friend of the Sea onora la Giornata degli Squali con attività atte a proteggerli.


Lo standard di certificazione  proibisce lo shark finning e crea un nuovo progetto per limitare l’impatto dei turisti sugli squali balena. Friend of the Sea, lo standard di certificazione preminente per prodotti e servizi che rispettano e proteggono l’ambiente marino, sta compiendo molteplici passi per proteggere gli squali, in onore della Giornata degli Squali, che […]

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WEBINAR: Albatrosses and other seabirds’ bycatch in fishing gears. Prevention and conservation measures. Puerto de Celeiro case study


Presented by: Mario Passoni, Scientific Officer of Friend of the Sea Featuring:Manuel Bermudes Diez, Project Manager of Puerto de Celeiro Download presentation here:https://mega.nz/file/44tCDCIC#cXLt8tPz35yedAqzk2rWDsmROSOi4wCD6uNN5pEJYQg Albatrosses and other seabirds bycatch 8 June 2020 Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Albatrosses and other seabirds’ by catch […]

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Albatrosses and other seabirds bycatch - Fos

Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth launch petition to save the Titicaca Water Frog


On the occasion of World Frogs Day, the projects encourage the Government of Peru to undertake measures to protect critically endangered species Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth, the international projects which protect the marine and land habitats by means of sustainability certifications and conservation campaigns, announced today that they have launched a petition to help […]

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petition to save the Titicaca Water Frog

New Petition Asks Chinese and Vietnamese Governments to Enforce Pangolin Trade Ban


Goal is to stop poaching almost-extinct scale-covered mammal used in traditional Chinese medicine and prized as a food delicacy.    Friend of the Earth, the preeminent worldwide certification for agriculture and land-based ecosystems, has initiated an online petition requesting that the governments of China and Vietnam enforce a ban on the trade in pangolin parts. The scale-covered […]

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Enforce Pangolin Trade Ban

Friend of the Sea Launches Conservation Project to Protect Penguins


Many penguin species facing extinction in the face of overfishing and degradation of habitat  Conservation Project to Protect Penguins Friend of the Sea, the world’s leading certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has launched a bold conservation project aimed at protecting the world’s penguins from the effects of […]

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Conservation Project to Protect Penguins
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