LOME: Benessere e Rispetto per l’ambiente.


Il progetto LOME di Masseria Fruttirossi nasce dalla passione di Michele De Lisi per la melagrana. Nel 2014 il sogno diventa realtà e prende vita la prima piantagione di 5000 piante, avviata insieme ai due figli. Un polo agricolo, nelle fertili campagne di Castellaneta, in Puglia, dove si producono piante da frutta dalle proprietà benefiche e salutari, […]

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Aquarium Rubrum di Alghero primo in Italia certificato Friend of the Sea per l’impegno nella conservazione dell’ambiente marino.


Aquarium Rubrum, il primo acquario di corallo vivo in Italia, ha ottenuto la certificazione internazionale di sostenibilità Friend of the Sea.  La struttura si trova all’interno della torre di San Giacomo ad Alghero, in Sardegna ed il progetto è stato ideato dall’artigiano del corallo Davide Simula in collaborazione con l’Area Marina Protetta Capo Caccia – Isola Piana e il […]

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Weishardt Becomes First Fish Collagen Producer to Obtain Friend of the Sea Sustainability Certification.


Weishardt is one of the leading global suppliers of high-quality fish gelatin and fish collagen peptides for the food & beverage, nutrition, pharmaceutical, and beauty industries. Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, is pleased to announce the certification of Weishardt for sustainable fish […]

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Weishardt  Friend of the Sea Sustainability Certification

Conservas Antonio Pérez Lafuente Achieves Recertification for Sustainable Seafood Production.


The company’s brand of canned seafood, Pan do Mar, is recognized for using ingredients exclusively from sustainable, organic, and artisanal sources. Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has announced the recertification of Conservas Antonio Pérez Lafuente for its persistent engagement with sustainable fishing practices. […]

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Conservas Antonio Pérez Lafuente

Zinzino maintains Friend of the Sea certification for its enduring commitment to sustainability


Zinzino is a Scandinavian health and wellness brand, pioneering test-based, personalized nutrition with innovative, all-natural Polyphenol Omega Balance food supplements   Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, is pleased to renew Zinzino’s certification for using sustainable fish oil in the production of their […]

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Zinzino maintains

Nagua Achieves the Friend of the Sea Certification for Nautical Eco-friendly Cleaning Products.


Nagua’s nautical ecological line of products spares the ocean from chemical pollution. Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has recognized Nagua Swiss Sagl for its line of ecological cleaning products that spare the ocean from the spilling of harmful chemicals. Accordingly, Nagua can now […]

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Nagua Achieves

SUN: I prodotti ittici della linea Consilia certificati Friend of the Sea.


Il gruppo SUN (Supermercati Uniti Nazionali), ottiene la certificazione di Friend of the Sea per tre prodotti ittici della linea Consilia: tonno in scatola (all’olio di oliva e al naturale), filetti di tonno (all’olio di oliva e al naturale) e filetti di alici in olio d’oliva.   SUN rispetta totalmente i requisiti previsti dallo standard di certificazione internazionale Friend […]

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Friend of the Sea Congratulates SGS Lanka for Achieving Recognition by the National Sri Lanka Accreditation Board.


SGS Lanka is one of the most trusted third-party service providers for the fisheries industries in Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, congratulates SGS Lanka on obtaining accreditation by the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB) to conduct Friend of […]

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National Sri Lanka Accreditation Board