Austral Group S.A.A
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87. Pacific, Southeast
Fishery management: The fishing of anchoveta in Peru is managed and controlled by the Peruvian Government, who establishes quotas and fishing seasons.
The IMARPE – Instituto del Mar del Peru is the agency who publishes research and fishing data about the main economic species of the region.
The Peruvian government following IMARPE recommendations determines the fishing seasons and quotas.
The government authorizes the fishing seasons for anchoveta by issuing a decree from the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE). There are two fishing seasons. The first is from mid-June to July, and the second is from November to December/January.
IMARPE produces a large amount of data on the species on the scope of this audit.
There is a digital depository at Imarpe’s website, free or consultation (
Stock Status: The IMARPE possesses research boats that do investigation cruises to do a stock assessment prior in order to determine the start and duration of the fishing season and the quotas. Stock assessment models are not used, and fishing mortality or exploitation rates are not publicly available in the last years. stock status is assessed based on real-time monitoring, which consists on direct biomass estimates and distribution from acoustic surveys prior each fishing season, and monitoring of oceanographic conditions, samplings for size structure and reproductive and somatic conditions, before and during fishing seasons, to account for the rapid fluctuations in the natural biomass of this resource.
The document RESOLUCIÓN MINISTERIAL Nº 00120-2021-PRODUCE authorizes a catch limit of 2.509 million tons of anchoveta in the Season 1, 2021 of North-center region.
The auditor inspected the Document “Situación del stock norte-centro de la anchoveta peruana (Engraulis ringens) al 01 de noviembre de 2022 y perspectivas de explotación para la segunda temporada de pesca de 2022”;
According to this document the acoustic biomass of E. ringens on November 1, 2022 was 6,826,839 tons.
Oficio N° 353-2022-IMARPE/ DEC remite el “Informe de avance de la primera temporada de pesca 2022 de la anchoveta (engraulis ringens) en la región sur del mar peruano (del 06 de enero al 26 de junio del
2022) y perspectivas de explotacion para la segunda temporada del año”, en el que, con relación a las “perspectivas de explotación para la segunda temporada de pesca del año (julio – diciembre de 2022)”. This document determined that, at the end of 2021, the anchovy biomass available in the southern region of the Peruvian sea was around the biomass necessary for the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MRS) and that the fishing mortality rate was below below the rate associated with the MRS. Likewise, it was also determined as one of the probable exploitation scenarios, that the LMTCP of the anchovy for 2022 could be in the order of 973 thousand tons”; iii) “This figure was implemented as an annual quota by PRODUCE, through the R.M. No. 463-2021-PRODUCE,
Based on these results, IMARPE determined the quotas, indicating that both species are considered not over-exploited
Habitat impact: This fishery uses purse seines, which do not interact with the seabed and hence have no negative impact.
Andrexport SARL
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Engraulis encrasicolus – Purse seine – FAO 34
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 34.1. Atlantic Eastern Central
Fishery management: The Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (INRH) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks of small pelagics in Morocco (
The Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) keeps under review the state of the fishery resources within its area of competence and establishes the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources.
The strategic plan developed by Morocco for small pelagic stocks guarantees sustainable exploitation of this resource. Launched in February 2010, the plan has introduced management measures to manage permitted fishing areas, species and gears, operating procedures for the different fleets and measures to monitor catches.
Stock Status: According to the INRH (2012), the European anchovy stock in FAO area 34.1 is estimated to be fully exploited (
According to the latest CECAF report of the Scientific Sub-Committee (2015), the E. encrasicolus stock in the North Fishery is overexploited and the biomass level is unknown.
Habitat impact: This fishery uses purse seines, which do not interact with the seabed and hence have no negative impact.
Discards: The local law sets the discard limit to 2%. Moroccan authorities control and weight each landing.
CFG Investment SAC
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Peru – Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87 Pacific Southeast
Stock Status: The Peruvian Sea Institute (Instituto del Mar del Perù – IMARPE) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks and setting fishing quotas of small pelagics. IMARPE issues recommendations based on scientific data, that are implemented by the Ministry of Production to garantee the control and conservation of the stocks of anchovies.
The latest stock assessment, carried out between May and July 2016, reported a value of anchoveta biomass 14% higher than the average value estimated by observations collected between 1994 and 2015.
Discards: The Peruvian Law sets the discard limit to 5% for all anchovies fleets.
Corpesca SA
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO 87 Pacific Southeast
Fishery management: The control of regulatory measures, including the annual fishing quota is carried out by the National Service of Fishing (SERNAPESCA). In addition, the Service is in charge of keeping official Chilean fishing statistics. The RMFO in place is the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization. The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation is an inter-governmental organisation that is committed to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the fishery resources of the South Pacific Ocean and, in so doing, safeguarding the marine ecosystems in which the resources occur.
The SPRFMO Convention applies to the high seas of the South Pacific, covering about a fourth of the Earth’s high seas areas. The Organisation consists of a Commission and a number of subsidiary bodies. New Zealand is the Depositary for the SPRFMO Convention and hosts the SPRFMO Secretariat in Wellington.
Stock Status: The status of the anchovy and sardine stock indicates that it is in a condition of under-exploitation and without overfishing, or according to the latest evaluation carried out by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), which was endorsed by the Small Pelagic Scientific Technical Committee and published by the Undersecretariat of Fisheries.
The spawning biomass of the three pelagic stock is located above the biomass of the maximum sustainable yield (BRMS), which indicates that its status is under-exploited for anchovy and sardine and full exploitation for Jurel 95% and caballa 5%.
Bycatch/discards Documents are public through the website of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Institute of Fisheries promotion (IFOP). Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture SUBPESCA and Instituto de Fomento Pesquero IFOP According to the regulations, discard is prohibited. However, due to force major (for the safety of the ship or the crew) is sometimes inevitably done. The fishing authority estimates it annually and in the case of the If it happens, anchovy is discounted from the annual catch quota and is around 3%.
Corporacion Pesquera Inca SAC
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Peru – Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87 Pacific Southeast
Stock Status: The Peruvian Sea Institute (Instituto del Mar del Perù – IMARPE) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks and setting fishing quotas of small pelagics. IMARPE issues recommendations based on scientific data, that are implemented by the Ministry of Production to garantee the control and conservation of the stocks of anchovies.
The latest stock assessment, carried out between May and July 2016, reported a value of anchoveta biomass 14% higher than the average value estimated by observations collected between 1994 and 2015.
Discards: The Peruvian Law sets the discard limit to 5% for all anchovies fleets.
Dalyan Su Unleri ve Gida San Nak
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 37
Fishing method: Purse seine
Engraulis encrasicolus – Purse seine – FAO 37 (GSA 29, Black Sea)
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO 37, Subarea 4.2 Black Sea (GSA 29)
Fishery management: The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is the regional fishery management organisation in charge of the assessment of the size and state of European anchovy stocks in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea (FAO 37). The fisheries operations in Turkey are regulated by the Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.
Stock Status: There are uncertainties about the stock status of Engraulis encrasicolus in the Black Sea due to high seasonal variation and the short lifespan of the species. Despite the assessment uncertainties, a noticeable increase in the recruitment is evident in the last years (2012-2013).
Moreover, the general trend in the last ten years indicates a slight decrease in the fishing mortality. This is the consequence of the effort regulation measures recently enforced by Turkey, namely restriction the anchovy fishery to night hours only (16:00 to 08:00) since 2007, setting a depth limit (0-24m) for purse seining, and by the buyback program launched in 2012.
Discard and bycatch: The use of purse seine ensures low levels of discard and bycatch. Mesh and net size are regulated by the local institution and they play an important role in the discard management.
Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock
Delicius Rizzoli S.P.A.
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 37
Fishing method: Purse seine
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: DELICIUS Rizoli Spa.
Fishing area: FAO 37.VIII.C
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 15 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 27743 ss-3; IMO 9255309; 191113; 268395; SS-3-2-02.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus;
Common name: Anchovy.
Management summary
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAMA) is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is a global organization that develops science and advice to support the sustainable use of the oceans. In 2017, a catch limit of 33,000 tonnes was established.
Stock status summary
According to the ICES advice on fishing opportunities, the spawning-stock biomass (SSB) of anchovy in subarea 8 has been above the limit reference point since 2010. Recruitment and SSB have been well above the historical average in recent years. The incoming recruitment in 2017 is above average. Harvest rates since the reopening of the fishery in 2010 have been below average.
Bycatch / discards
According to the ICES advice on fishing opportunities, discarding is considered to be negligible. According to the auditor, the fleet keeps records of accidental catches without records of species listed in the IUCN Red list. In the correction plan for the NCs detected, the company has established a procedure to reduce accidental catches.
Habitat Impact
The vessels operate with GPS in order to avoid marine protected areas. The fishing method has no impact on the seabed. According to the auditor, the on-board staff is well formed and has a strong awareness of the potential risks and impacts. In the correction plan for the NCs detected, the absence of procedures were corrected.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Spain.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of several major non-conformities, the fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, since the company corrected all of the non-conformities appointed by the auditor within 3 months of the audit.
Friend of the Sea – Buenos Aires 45, 20124 Milan Italy – HQ +39 0287075166 – Italy +39 3485650306 – Skype: friend.of.the.sea –
Delimar S.A.
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: DELIMAR S.A.
Fishing area: FAO 34.1.1
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 27 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 11-221; 10-112; 6/1 234; 7/1 165; 6/1 124; 8-977.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus;
Common name: Anchovy.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The National Institute of fisheries research (Institut National de Recherche Halieutique: INRH) monitors the resources of small pelagics. Since 2015, there is a management plan for small pelagics. The project is planned to last until 2020. The Moroccan fisheries management plan is reviewed annually in agreement with the board of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF).
Stock status summary
According to INRH, in the Central Atlantic, the biomass of 2016 is below the average of the last 5 years (0.073 thousand tonnes) and the stock is considered fully exploited, with fishing mortality close to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). In South Atlantic, the estimated biomass is currently 15% higher than in 2015 and the stock is considered fully exploited. The minimum legal size of anchovy is 60–63 mm.
Bycatch / discards
The fishing method used allows accidental catches to remain alive. A sonar system is in place to locate the schools and avoid non-target species. All vessels are obliged to declare all the catch (quantities and species), under the supervision of the agents of the ONP. The reported accidental catch species are not included in the IUCN Red List. The Moroccan authority allows an amount of 3% of bycatch, except for Boops boops that has an allowed rate set at 10%.
Habitat Impact
All vessels are monitored in real time by the competent authority through the vessel monitoring system (VMS). Fisheries occur outside of Marine Protected Areas, respecting the authorized distance from the shore (3 miles). Purse seine fishing has no impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Morocco.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformities.
donate now
Friend of the Sea – Buenos Aires 45, 20124 Milan Italy – HQ +39 0287075166 – Italy +39 3485650306 – Skype: friend.of.the.sea – Elastico Comunicazione
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Engraulis encrasicolus – Purse seine – FAO 34
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 34.1. Atlantic Eastern Central
Fishery management: The Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (INRH) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks of small pelagics in Morocco (
The Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) keeps under review the state of the fishery resources within its area of competence and establishes the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources.
The strategic plan developed by Morocco for small pelagic stocks guarantees sustainable exploitation of this resource. Launched in February 2010, the plan has introduced management measures to manage permitted fishing areas, species and gears, operating procedures for the different fleets and measures to monitor catches.
Habitat impact: This fishery uses purse seines, which do not interact with the seabed and hence have no negative impact.
Discards: The local law sets the discard limit to 2%. Moroccan authorities control and weight each landing.
Inversiones Prisco SAC
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Peru – Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87 Pacific Southeast
Stock Status: The Peruvian Sea Institute (Instituto del Mar del Perù – IMARPE) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks and setting fishing quotas of small pelagics. IMARPE issues recommendations based on scientific data, that are implemented by the Ministry of Production to garantee the control and conservation of the stocks of anchovies.
The latest stock assessment, carried out between May and July 2016, reported a value of anchoveta biomass 14% higher than the average value estimated by observations collected between 1994 and 2015.
Discards: The Peruvian Law sets the discard limit to 5% for all anchovies fleets.
Pesce Azzurro Cefalù
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 37
Fishing method: Purse seine
Initial Audit Report (Italian Fleet)
Initial Audit Report (Croatian Fleet)
Recertification audit report
Corrective Actions (Italian Fleet)
Engraulis encrasicolus – Purse seine – FAO 37 (2.1, Adriatic Sea)
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO 37, Subarea 2.1 Adriatic Sea (GSA 17,18)
Fishery management:
The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is the regional fishery management organisation in charge of the assessment of the size and state of European anchovy stocks in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea (FAO 37). GFCM is in charge also of ensuring the sustainability of fisheries activities through the adoption of adequate management measures.
The Italian authority responsible for the supervision and management of fisheries is the General Fisheries directorate-general of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Stock Status
The most recent stock assessment results were published in 2016, and refer to data collected in 2015.
The average fishing mortality increased constantly up to 2011, when reached the maximum value of 1.006. It started to decrease afterwards to 2013 (0.91) and then it increased again reaching the value of 0.99 in 2015, indicating that the resource is currently subjected to overexploitation.
The spawning stock biomass (SBB) was estimated at 86 595 t in 2015. As the target reference point is set at 45 936 t, the stock is overexploited.
Discard and bycatch:
The use of purse seine ensures low levels of discard and bycatch. Discards level below 1% are reported by the GFCM assessment in 2015. There are no records of protected species affected by this fishery.
FAO, Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System
Pesquera Centinela SA.
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Fishing area: FAO 87 Pacific, Southeast
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Engraulis ringens Common name: Peruvian anchovy.
Management summary
The fishing of anchoveta in Peru is managed and controlled by the Peruvian Government, which establishes quotas and fishing seasons.
The IMARPE – Instituto del Mar del Peru is the agency that publishes research and fishing data about the main economic species of the region.
The Peruvian government following IMARPE recommendations determines the fishing seasons and quotas.
The government authorizes the fishing seasons for anchoveta by issuing a decree from the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE). There are two fishing seasons per year.
Stock status summary
The IMARPE possesses research boats that do investigation cruises to do stock assessments prior to determining the start and duration of the fishing season and the quotas.
The stock status is assessed based on real-time monitoring, which consists of direct biomass estimates and distribution from acoustic surveys prior each fishing season, and monitoring of oceanographic conditions, samplings for size structure and reproductive and somatic conditions, before and during fishing seasons, to account for the rapid fluctuations in the natural biomass of this resource.
The stock status is assessed based on real-time monitoring, which consists of direct biomass estimates and distribution from acoustic surveys prior each fishing season, and monitoring of oceanographic conditions, samplings for size structure and reproductive and somatic conditions, before and during fishing seasons, to account for the rapid fluctuations in the natural biomass of this resource.
The last IMARPE stock assessments showed a Biomass estimation of 7.180.472 metric tons for the second season of 2023.
In the interpretation of IMARPE, who issues the fishing quotas based on the constant monitoring of the stocks, E.ringens is not being overfished.
Bycatch/discards Imarpe has several research boats that do investigations about the target species on the Peruvian ocean to do an assessment of their stocks to release the fishing quotas.The fishing method used is the Purse Seine, where the net is closed into a circle, to catch the fish. The fish caught in the net is pumped up to the boat. On the tip of the pumping tube, there is a metal excluder to avoid the suction of bigger fish or mammals. Whenever a smaller predator, mammal or turtle is sucked up to the boat, they are released back to the ocean. According to the sampling done by the organization and Produce`s inspectors, the bycatch is below 5% of the total.
Habitat impact: The fishing method used by Pesquera Centinela is the purse seine. The net measures on average 650 meters in length by 110 meters to 110 meters deep. The fishing is done in areas at five miles minimum distance from the shore. In this area, the sea bottom is much deeper than the depth of the nets. The nets almost never touch the bottom of the ocean.
Pesquera Diamante SA.
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Peru – Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87 Pacific Southeast
Stock Status: The Peruvian Sea Institute (Instituto del Mar del Perù – IMARPE) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks and setting fishing quotas of small pelagics. IMARPE issues recommendations based on scientific data, that are implemented by the Ministry of Production to garantee the control and conservation of the stocks of anchovies.
The latest stock assessment, carried out between May and July 2016, reported a value of anchoveta biomass 14% higher than the average value estimated by observations collected between 1994 and 2015.
Discards: The Peruvian Law sets the discard limit to 5% for all anchovies fleets.
Pesquera Exalmar SAA
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Peru – Engraulis ringens – Purse seine – FAO 87
Species: Engraulis ringens
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 87 Pacific Southeast
Stock Status: The Peruvian Sea Institute (Instituto del Mar del Perù – IMARPE) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks and setting fishing quotas of small pelagics. IMARPE issues recommendations based on scientific data, that are implemented by the Ministry of Production to garantee the control and conservation of the stocks of anchovies.
The latest stock assessment, carried out between May and July 2016, reported a value of anchoveta biomass 14% higher than the average value estimated by observations collected between 1994 and 2015.
Discards: The Peruvian Law sets the discard limit to 5% for all anchovies fleets.
Pesquera Hayduk SA
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Fishing area: FAO 87 Pacific,
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific
name: Engraulis ringens Common name: Peruvian anchovy.
Management summary
In Perù, the anchovy stock is
assessed by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE). They carry out the
hydroacoustic assessment cruises of pelagic fisheries (anchovy) twice a year
(April and November) by means of 02 scientist vessels BICs Jos Olaya Balandra
and Humboldt to determine the anchovy stock in order to establish the national
fishing quota and to ensure the preservation of the anchovy resource. Since
2015 IMARPE published their methodology for generating total permissible catch
recommendations. When considered alongside regular reports summarising the
outcomes of hydro-acoustic research cruises and others detailing the process by
which the results of these cruises and length-frequency sampling are used to
generate catch recommendations. The results of the decision-making process are
provided on the PRODUCE website.
Stock status summary: The stock under consideration is not
overfished. The anchovy stock is monitored and assessed by the scientific
authority in Peru, the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) they issue official
reports with the results, conclusions, and recommendations, which are
officially implemented by the Production Ministry to ensure the surveillance of
the catching quotas and for the anchovy preservation. IMARPE is responsible for the assessment of Peruvian anchovy populations based
on direct and indirect methods. Fishery-dependent data are collected when catch
is landed and on board vessels at sea, and include effort data. Fisheryindependent hydro-acoustic surveys are also carried out regularly. The
stock is assessed at least twice per year by real monitoring estimating biomass
in the surveys and using integrated population models. Spawning areas are
identified and Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) is estimated using the Egg-Production Method
Bycatch/discards: The accident catches not
include species listed in the IUCN red List of endangered species as Vulnerable
or higher risk. Peruvian law allows just a maximum 5% of non-target species bycatch
in weight in this fishery.Peruvian
legislation, based on the IUCN Red List, prohibits the capture of protected
species (seabirds, turtles, and marine mammals) for commercial purposes,
including Peruvian Diving Petrel, Humboldt penguin, Guanay cormorant, pelican,
Peruvian booby, green sea turtle, South American sea lion and Southern fur
seal. Commercial catch, processing, and marketing of small cetaceans have been
prohibited by national law since the mid-1990s (PERU 1996).
Habitat impact: The fishing vessels are implemented with fishing nets to catch pelagic
resources according to Peruvian legislation R.M 225-2001-PE Purse net maximum
length and depth (fathoms) based on the vessels’ hold capacity. These fishing
nets are officially verified to ensure compliance with the legislation. The
fleet of Pesquera Hayduk just performs the catching operations out 5 miles from
the coastline and at more than 50 fathoms of depth (fathom = 6 feet), which is
one of the policy’s commitments to prevent any damage to the seabed.
TASA – Tecnologia de Alimentos S.A
Species scientific names: Engraulis ringens, Anchoa nasus
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
client: TASA –
Fishing area: FAO area 87; Pacific,
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name
/ Common name
ringens / Anchoveta,
Peruvian Anchovy
nasus / Anchoa
blanca, Longnose Anchovy
The fishing of anchoveta in Peru is managed and controlled by the
Peruvian Government, which establishes quotas and fishing seasons.The IMARPE –
Instituto del Mar del Peru is the agency that publishes research and fishing
unloading data on the country’s main economic species. The Peruvian government,
following IMARPE recommendations, determines the fishing seasons and quotas.
The government authorizes the fishing seasons by issuing a decree from the
Ministry of Production (PRODUCE).
Stock status
The IMARPE owns research boats
that do investigation cruises to do a stock assessment before each fishing
season to determine the start and duration of the fishing season and the
quotas. Stock status is assessed based on real-time monitoring, which
consists of direct biomass estimates and distribution from acoustic surveys
before each fishing season, and monitoring of oceanographic conditions,
samplings for size structure and reproductive and somatic conditions, before
and during fishing seasons, to account for the rapid fluctuations in the
natural biomass of this resource.
Bycatch / discards
Anchovy schools are compact, so not many other species swim among them.
The most common is the Scomber japonicus, which according to the
law can be caught to produce meal and oil up to the limit of 5% for each boat
landing. The fish caught in the net is pumped up to the boat. On the tip of the
pumping tube, there is a metal excluder to avoid the suction of bigger fish or
mammals. Whenever a smaller predator, mammal or turtle is sucked up to the
boat, they are released back into the ocean. The unit of certification keeps a
record of all bycatch and discards.
Habitat Impact
Fishing is done outside protected areas, with 6 miles of distance from
the shore. The net measures are between 895m to 1303m in length and 87m to 121m
in depth. The sea bottom is much deeper than the depth of the nets, so the nets
almost never touch the bottom of the ocean. The impact on the water column is considered minimum.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with human rights and Peruvian labour regulations.
Unimer Mehdia
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Engraulis encrasicolus – Purse seine – FAO 34
Species: Engraulis encrasicolus
Gear type: Purse seine
Fishing Area: FAO Area 34.1. Atlantic Eastern Central
Fishery management: The Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (INRH) is the scientific institute in charge of assessing the stocks of small pelagics in Morocco (
The Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) keeps under review the state of the fishery resources within its area of competence and establishes the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources.
The strategic plan developed by Morocco for small pelagic stocks guarantees sustainable exploitation of this resource. Launched in February 2010, the plan has introduced management measures to manage permitted fishing areas, species and gears, operating procedures for the different fleets and measures to monitor catches.
Stock Status: According to the INRH (2012), the European anchovy stock in FAO area 34.1 is estimated to be fully exploited (
According to the latest CECAF report of the Scientific Sub-Committee (2015), the E. encrasicolus stock in the North Fishery is overexploited and the biomass level is unknown.
Habitat impact: This fishery uses purse seines, which do not interact with the seabed and hence have no negative impact.
Discards: The local law sets the discard limit to 2%. Moroccan authorities control and weight each landing.
Vanelli Maroc S.A.
Species scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: VANELLI MAROC S.A.
Fishing area: FAO 34.1.1
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 34 vessels. Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 6/2-151; 8-421; 6/2 -101; 11-187; 11-215; 6-124.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Engraulis encrasicolus; Common name: Anchovy.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The National Institute of fisheries research (Institut National de Recherche Halieutique: INRH) monitors the resources of small pelagics. Since 2015, there is a management plan for small pelagics. The project is planned to last until 2020. The Moroccan fisheries management plan is reviewed annually in agreement with the board of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF).
Stock status summary
In the Central Atlantic, the biomass evaluated in 2016 is 33% lower compared to the level of 2015 and the stock is considered fully exploited. In the South Atlantic, compared to the 2015 data, the stock showed a reduction in the number of individuals and an increase in the weight gain of the anchovy population; the stock is considered fully exploited. The minimum legal size of anchovy is 1-13 cm.
Bycatch / discards
The fishing method used allows accidental catches to remain alive. A sonar system is in place to locate the schools and avoid non-target species. All vessels are obliged to declare all the catch (quantities and species). Accidental catches are monitored by the ONP and DPM. According to the auditor, the amount of discards is considered negligible. There is a maximum level of 3% of discards allowed.
Habitat Impact
The position of the vessels is monitored by the competent authority through GPS. Fisheries occur outside of Marine Protected Areas, respecting the authorized distance from the shore (3 miles). Purse seine fishing has a negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Morocco.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformities.
Friend of the Sea – Buenos Aires 45, 20124 Milan Italy – HQ +39 0287075166 – Italy +39 3485650306 – Skype: friend.of.the.sea –
Compañía Pesquera del Pacífico Centro S.A.
Species scientific name: Engraulis ringens
FAO area: 87
Fishing method: Purse seine
Fishing area: FAO 87 Pacific, Southeast
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Engraulis ringens Common name: Peruvian anchovy.
Management summary
The management organizations of the Peruvian fisheries correspond to Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), Institute of the Sea of Peru (IMARPE), National Agency for Fisheries Health (SANIPES) and Regional Governments, within the scope of their functional competencies, are responsible for compliance with the provisions of this Regulation.
Stock status summary
Ministerial Resolution No. 00167/2022 issued by the Ministry of Production “Authorize the start of the First Fishing Season 2022 of the anchovy and white anchovy resource, in the maritime area between the extreme north of the domain of Peru and the 16°00’LS”, determined through 8 articles the anchovy fishery for 2022, demonstrates that the species is not over-exploited: “the acoustic biomass of the North-Center Stock of the anchovy amounted to 9,780,370 tons, which shows abundance of it”.
The Maximum Total Allowable Catch Limit of the North-Central Zone (LMTCP North-Center) of the resource anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) for indirect human consumption, corresponding to the First Fishing Season 2022 of the Northern Zone -Centre, is two million seven hundred ninety-two thousand (2,792,000) tons.
Bycatch / discards
The resolution issued by the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture number 10 of 01/29/2019 indicates the maximum percentages of accompanying fauna and species (accidental fishing), according to fishing gear and according to the resource extracted. This is based on the result of the “Discard investigation programs” and the “Disposal reduction and bycatch catch plans” completed in 2018. This administration measure has been communicated to the fishery’s technical scientific committees, who ensure the preservation of Peruvian resources based on world events. It is verified that the species described in this document are not part of the IUCN list.
In Perú the level of discards is determinated in Supreme decret Nº 005-2017, issued by PRODUCE. It establishes a minimum format and content of the protocols for handling of capture, discard and accidental fishing, described in article 8: Anchoveta Resource Conservation Measures.
During the audit, many documents called “cleat report” were randomly reviewed where it was possible to show that there were no discards. In addition, each fishing is monitored by satellite and the information sent by the vessel is immediately reviewed by the inspectors of the Ministry of Production, who are at each landing.
Habitat impact: This fishery uses purse seines, which do not interact with the seabed and hence have no negative impact.