Sustainable Diving
Yes – certainly there is no reason why scuba diving responsibly cannot be a sustainable activity.
Scuba diving is the best way to be part of a new world, or, in other words, the marine environment. Diving allows you to swim amongst groups of fish and to admire corals, sea stars and other underwater wonders in complete tranquillity.
However, since we are only guests underwater, we must behave as such and respect rules of conduct that do not cause damage.
For this reason Friend of the Sea has created a certification standard dedicated to tour operators offering sustainable diving activities that give clear indications on how to dive responsibly and protect the marine ecosystem.
This standard has been developed in collaboration with Luca Saponari, a marine biologist expert in sustainable tourism.

How to be a sustainable scuba diver?
Being a responsible diver means being aware of the rules that help protect our fragile ocean environment. By seeking sustainable diving opportunities that follow a through set of environmentally-conscious rules everyone can work towards protecting our valuable coral reefs and ecosystems.
The Standard
Friend of the Sea Sustainable Diving standard seeks to minimise unintentional disturbance through key principles of conduct.
Friend of the Sea criteria for Sustainable Scuba Diving require:
- no-touch and no-take policy;
- no shark feeding;
- correct use of the flash camera;
- training programmes for operators and crew;
- scientific data collection;
- no single-use plastic on-board.
Apply to sustainable scuba diving
Would you like to receive a quotation for Friend of the Sea audit and royalties to use our logo?
Please fill out the online Preliminary Information Form (PIF) and send back to
- All the information will be kept strictly confidential and implies NO commitment from your company.
- The Friend of the Sea certification is voluntary and NOT mandatory to gain access to markets.
- The application process is NOT discriminatory on size, scale, management and minimum number of operators.
- Friend of the Sea is a NGO and it strives to make participation in the audits affordable for all companies.
- Please, contact us for more information on Government funding which might be available in your Country for sustainability certifications: