Il Sustainable Seafood Movement è un’iniziativa nata come risultato di ecosistemi marini sovrasfruttati e distrutti in tutto il mondo.  Le campagne di sensibilizzazione sono vitali e dovrebbero concentrarsi sull’educazione delle persone e incoraggiarle ad acquistare prodotti ittici sostenibili che considerano la conservazione delle specie marine.

Gli acquirenti di frutti di mare sono sempre più alla ricerca di modi per scegliere solo prodotti che provengono dalla pesca di cattura ben gestita o da impianti di produzione di acquacoltura e per capire e ridurre i rischi ambientali legati alle loro scelte di acquisto di frutti di mare.

La nostra pagina di notizie sui frutti di mare sostenibili risponderà a tutte le vostre domande sui frutti di mare!

Aggiorniamo regolarmente questa pagina per coprire tutti gli aspetti delle notizie sui frutti di mare, comprese le informazioni aggiornate sul commercio dei frutti di mare e tutti gli ultimi approfondimenti dall’industria dei frutti di mare. Puoi anche sapere cosa sta succedendo nel mercato dei frutti di mare e accedere a informazioni aggiornate sul settore della vendita al dettaglio con le notizie sui supermercati di frutti di mare.
Cliccando sui link qui sotto puoi anche accedere ai webinar di Friend of the Sea e ai corsi online che coprono una vasta gamma di argomenti come “Idroponica: la strada verso un’agricoltura sostenibile” o “Responsabilità sociale nella pesca”.

Se sei alla ricerca di soluzioni per i frutti di mare, clicca sui link qui sotto per vedere le ultime notizie sui frutti di mare, l’acquacoltura e la pesca.

INTERVIEW: Tartalife: Reduction of sea turtle mortality in the professional fishing


Mr. Paolo Bray interviews Dr. Alessandro Lucchetti, PhD Researcher at CNR, expert in national and european legislation on fishing gears and project coordinator in Tartalife, a program to introduce turtle bycatch reduction measures in fishing. TARTALIFE:The conservation of Caretta caretta, a priority species included in App. II/IV of the Habitat Directive and protected in various […]

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For World Turtle Day, Learn to Protect Sea Turtles With Friend of the Sea.


Turtles have been around for more than 200 million years. That makes them one of the oldest species living on earth. However, many of them face the risk of extinction, primarily for human-related threats. Friend of the Sea, a program of the World Sustainability Organization, has developed a set of measures to protect sea turtles. […]

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Protect Sea Turtles

GOtab Omega-3 Powders from Golden Omega Norway Achieves Friend of the Sea and Dolphin-Safe Certifications.


GOtab is the new innovative and sustainable solution to offer Omega-3 in tablet formulations.  Friend of the Sea, the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has granted its sustainability certification to Golden Omega’s Norway new line of products, GOtab. The company can now display the Friend of the […]

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GOtab Omega-3 Powders

Collisions with Vessels, a Deadly Threat For Whales.


Friend of the Sea Launches the Whale-Safe Certification to Stop the Death of 20.000 Whales a year. It’s a silent massacre most people are unaware of. Every year, up to 20,000 whales die because of lethal collisions with vessels. The image of a dead whale stuck on the bow of a vast container symbolizes this […]

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Collisions with Vessels

Things We Can Do to Save Endangered Species and Prevent a New Wave of Extinction.


More than 37,000 species are threatened with extinction. On Endangered Species Day, help us save together the species at risk by supporting the World Sustainability Organization conservation projects. Here’s what you need to know about the most threatened species on the planet and how to help them.  From an adorable panda to a white shark, from a Tristan […]

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Save Endangered Species

Webinar on “Sustainable Beekeeping. Case Study Raglio di Luna” 26th of May 2021 at 3:00 pm in Milan, CET


Download presentation here Dear Madam/Sir,  Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Sustainable Beekeeping. Case Study Raglio di Luna” This webinar can be of interest to:  – Agriculture and farming companies – Producers and traders – retail and wholesale chains  – Government officials  – Companies’ sustainability and […]

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Webinar on Sustainable Beekeeping

Carlson Achieves Sustainability Certification for Omega-3 Products.


Carlson is the pioneer of omega-3 fish oil products in the United States since the early 1980s. Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has recognized Carlson for its commitment toward sustainability in the production of omega-3 products. Accordingly, Carlson can now display the Friend of […]

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Carlson Achieves Sustainability