WSO provides this platform for companies of all sizes to be able to receive help on issues related to sustainability. This is in line with our mission to reduce our impact on the environment and support the flow of knowledge on sustainability issues around the globe.

The FIRST HALF AN HOUR CONSULTANCY IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE. You will than be free to continue during the same call or a follow up call, at 50 € per hour (+VAT where applicable). 20% of your contribution will go to WSO conservation programs and campaigns. So, while you help yourself acquiring knowledge, you will also be helping the planet.

Companies with Friend of the Sea or Friend of the Earth certified products, will have access to the service FREE OF CHARGE, up to 10 hours per year.

It is very SIMPLE to use: Just let us know what type of expert help you need and fill out the simple form below. We will get back to you with a proposed consultant and if you agree, we will invite you to a Zoom meeting.

Fields marked with an * are required
When would you be available for a call?