FoS Certifies Sopralex et Vosmarques SA for Sustainable Seafood Production


Belgian maker of the Imperial brand of seafood products commits to protection of marine environment Sopralex et Vosmarques SA, the Belgian company that owns the Imperial brand of seafood products, has earned certification for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea. Friend of the Sea is the preeminent certification standard for products and services […]

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Certifies Sopralex

FoS Recertifies Atlantic Shrimpers Limited for Sustainable Seafood Production


Largest fishing company in Nigeria renews its certification for preservation of the marine environment Atlantic Shrimpers Limited and the Prim7stars brand of shrimp have been recertified for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea. Friend of the Sea is the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment. […]

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Recertifies Atlantic Shrimpers

FoS certifies Hangzhou Qiandaohu Xunlong Sci-tech Co. Ltd. For Land-Based Aquaculture


Chinese producer of Caviar and Sturgeon products recommits to sustainable fish farming practices Hangzhou Qiandaohu Xunlong Sci-tech Co. Ltd., one of China’s top producers of caviar and sturgeon from fish farming, has been certified for land-based aquaculture by  Friend of the Sea. Friend of the SEa is the leading certification standard for products and services […]

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certifies Hangzhou

Seanova Earns Certification from FoS for Sustainable Production of Epax® Fish Oils


Exclusive distributor of  Epax fish oils in France, Spain and Portugal embraces protection of marine environment Seanova, the exclusive distributor of Epax® fish oils in France, Spain and Portugal, has earned certification for sustainable production by Friend of the Sea . Friend of the Sea is the preeminent certification standard for products and services that […]

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Seanova Earns Certification

FoS Recertifies Jude Foods India for Sustainable Seafood Production


Indian seafood processor renews commitment to environmentally responsible practices.   Friend of the Sea, the number one global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced that it has recertified Jude Foods India Pvt. Ltd. for sustainable practices. With this renewed certification, Jude Foods can display the Friend […]

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FoS Recertifies

FoS Recertifies Jude Foods India for Sustainable Seafood Production


Indian seafood processor renews commitment to environmentally responsible practices Friend of the Sea, the number one global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced that it has recertified Jude Foods India Pvt. Ltd. for sustainable practices. With this renewed certification, Jude Foods can display the Friend of […]

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FoS Recertifies

Kagoshima Blue Marine Cab Completes First Phase of Certification for Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching


Commitment to welfare of marine wildlife is timely, considering Japan’s decision to restart commercial whaling   Friend of the Sea, the number one global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced that Japan’s Kagoshima Blue Marine Cab has passed the first phase in becoming certified for Sustainable […]

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Kagoshima Blue Marine

Piatti home-made, creativi e sani per i clienti di ieri, di oggi e di domani


Piatti home-made  creativi e sani per i clienti di ieri di A Milano, in via Giardino 3, la tradizione gastronomica si sposa perfettamente con la creatività di un giovanissimo chef varesino, Luigi Cassago, fondatore di Ecooking World, che può già vantare anni di esperienza in ristoranti stellati. Il bistrot nasce dal desiderio di infondere nella […]

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Piatti home-made
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