EU consumers can give preference to sustainable seafood certified

Friend of the Sea is mentioned on EU recent booklet aiming at raising consumers awareness to support the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. The booklet Press Pack is titled “How do you choose your fish? Consumer’s choice matters: buy wisely, choose sustainable seafood”.


The booklet provides several useful suggestions for consumers. “Consumers can give preference to products bearing a ‘sustainable fisheries’ label” explains the booklet “to choose species that are exploited sustainably.” According to the EU, sustainable fisheries labels such as Friend of the Sea apply common sustainability criteria, such as those drawn by the FAO in its Guidelines: the stock concerned must be not overfished; the fishery must comply with the management measures and it must not have an adverse impact on the ecosystem


Translated in 23 languages, the document lists Friend of the Sea and Dolphin-Safe among the 4 main labels certifying sustainable fisheries. As confirmed by the EU paper, Friend of the Sea is the only certification program of the four main ones, that “certifies both farmed fish and fish caught at sea” and it operates “in both developed and developing countries.”

The document can be downloaded at

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