Webinar on “Turtle Excluder Devices and Turtle Safe certification. Medina Rosso di Mazara Giant red Shrimp fleet case study” 17th of March 2021 at 03 pm in Milan, CET


Turtle Excluder Devices and Turtle Safe certification. Medina Rosso di Mazara Giant red Shrimp fleet case study. Featuring:Nicola Giacalone, Owner at Medina – Rosso di Mazarawww.rossodimazara.com Presented by:Paolo Bray, Founder and Director Friend of the Sea – Friend of the Earthwww.friendofthesea.org Download presentation here:https://mega.nz/file/0gEUlRYa#oskY0D6byhDVfvfIZ0yJVaccXH3OYuLIFTxRaf3cgko   Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite […]

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Turtle Excluder

Fashion Brand Dona Rufina oferece alternativa inovadora e sustentável ao feltro


Dona Rufina busca reinserir matéria-prima no mercado de moda e design Dona Rufina é uma empresa ‘slow fashion’, fundada e administrada pela designer Luciana Bulcão e com participação principalmente de mulheres locais, tem como objetivo preservar e valorizar a tradição cultural pampa brasileira e proteger o meio ambiente. A primeira coleção de bolsas, sapatos e […]

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Friend of the Sea Recertifies SAPMER for Sustainable Seafood Production


Leading tuna producer recommits to practices that protect the marine environment Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has renewed its certification of SAPMER purse seine fishery in Indian Ocean. The company can continue displaying the Friend of the […]

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foto pr e sito

Friend of the Sea Recertifies BigFish Maldives for Sustainable Seafood Production


Leading tuna producer recommits to practices that protect the marine environment Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has renewed its certification of Big Fish Maldives for Yellow Fin Tuna (Thunnus albacores) and Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). BigFish has […]

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friend of the sea certification

Friend of the Sea urges for regulation of Sustainable Seafood claims at FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI)


Makes statement that third-party certification and national accreditation should be mandatory for making claims about seafood sustainability Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, yesterday issued a statement at the 34th Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) that third-party certification and […]

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regulation of Sustainable Seafood claims - Fos

From Sustainability to Regeneration – 1st Episode of Sustainable Friends


FROM SUSTAINABILITY TO REGENERATION 1st Episode of Sustainable Friends #SustainableFriends In this first episode of Sustainable Friends, Paolo Bray talks about the importance of rethinking society in terms, not only of Sustainability, but also of Regeneration for future generations. Sustainability and Regeneration Links Here you find some links from the video on From Sustainability to […]

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From Sustainability to Regeneration

Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector. 20th January  2021 – 2 PM (Central European Time)


The World Sustainability Organization,  invites you to register to the online course on “ Packaging impact on the environment. A scientific analysis and possible solutions for your specific company and sector.”  This 4 hours course will cover the following subjects: –    Fish Packaging Materials and typologies. –    Pollution from Fish Packaging. –    Chemicals concerns from Fish packaging. –    Fish […]

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Packaging impact