Sitemap – Certificados Sustentáveis
News (1051 - 1076 of 1484)
- 1051)MCB Seafoods(United Kingdom)- Cod (Gadus morhua), John dory (Zeus faber), Red gurnard (Chelidonectis cuculus), Pouting (Trisopterus luscus), Red mullet (Mullus surmuletus), Whiting (Merlangius merlangus), Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Herring (Clupea
- 1052)FoS urges the World Shipping Council to prevent whales ship strikes in Sri Lanka and worldwide
- 1053)South African abalone by Abagold now Friend of the Sea certified
- 1054)Certificazione Friend of the Sea per il tonno Consilia
- 1055)Vanelli Maroc SA (Groupe LMV- La Monegasque Maroc/Vanelli) (Morocco)- European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)- Fishery
- 1056)Friend of the Sea launches school awareness project in Hong Kong
- 1057)Italia a Tavola
- 1058)Nordic Naturals® Receives Friend of the Sea Certification
- 1059)Delimar S.A (Groupe Unimer-LMV) (Morocco)- European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)- Fishery
- 1060)Corema Frozen Sea Food SA (Switzerland)- Greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis),Giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon), Indian white prawn(Penaeus indicus )- Fishery
- 1061)OCEAMIC LAAYOUNE II (Morocco)- European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)- Fishery
- 1062)NOW® receives Friend of the Sea certification
- 1063)Tristan International, LLC (USA)- Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus)- Fishery
- 1064)Perch, pike-perch and Northern pike from Estonian Peipsi Lake certified FoS sustainable
- 1065)Damsa (Morocco)- European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)- Fishery
- 1066)Merveilles de Mer (Morocco)- European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)- Fishery
- 1067)Tuna and swordfish by Vietnamese Nha Trang Bay obtain FoS certification
- 1068)Cromaris first aquaculture farm authorized to use FoS logo in combination with GLOBALG.A.P. Number
- 1069)Frigorifics Ros (Spain)- European anchovy (Encgraulis encrasicolus)- Fishery
- 1070)Italian fishery MareVivo now Friend of the Sea
- 1071)Sustainably farmed fish from Greek Argosaronikos achieves FoS certification
- 1072)Tuna fleet setting nets on dolphins not qualified for FoS certification
- 1073)Biomega fish oil and fish meal from salmon trimmings certified FoS sustainable
- 1074)FoS confirmed Omega-3 leading international sustainability standard
- 1075)Instore
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