Centro Studi e Ricerca Ambiente Marino Certified by FoS for Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching Scientific Research Groups


Association promotes studies related to the life of the sea and conducts research expeditions Friend of the Sea the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has certified Centro Studi e Ricerca Ambiente Marino (CE.S.R.A.M.) in the category of sustainable dolphin and whale […]

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Un mix di sapori latino-orientali che delizi il palato? A Bergamo è creativo, sano e certificato


Da Gu’ Creative Taste la cucina giapponese si mescola ad altre culture, proponendo gusti inaspettati, abbinamenti impensati ed eleganti scoperte. Il tonno, il salmone e il polpo sono preparati seguendo diverse cotture o direttamente a crudo, di conseguenza le materie prime devono essere sempre sicure e controllate. Inoltre, dall’intento di preservare il mare, l’ambiente e […]

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Tartalife Turtle Safe Project Produces Results for FoS and Partners


Substantial reduction in deadly turtle “bycatch,” numerous papers published and more The TartaLife Project, which includes the “Turtle Safe” certification from Friend of the Sea, is producing impressive results as it heads into its sixth year of operation. The program has resulted in substantial reductions in deadly “bycatch” of turtles in commercial fishing, the publication […]

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The Vitamin Shoppe Certified by FoS® for Sustainable Omega-3 Fish Oil


Promoting sustainability while providing wellness solutions Friend of the Sea, the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified The Vitamin Shoppe for its Vthrive The Vitamin Shoppe brand Premium Omega-3 fish oil product. TheVitamin Shoppe can now display the Friend of the Sea® eco-friendly label […]

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Friend of the Sea Certifica il Primo Gruppo di Ricerca Scientifica


Associazione Me.Ri.S. Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo ottiene la certificazione per le attività di dolphin e whale watching sostenibile 23 Ottobre, 2019— Friend of the Sea è fiero di annunciare di avere certificato il primo gruppo di ricerca scientifica: Associazione Me.Ri.S. Ricerca e sviluppo nel Mediterraneo (Me.Ri.S.). Me.Ri.S. è un’organizzazione no profit per la protezione dei […]

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A Milano il mito si trasforma in realtà: pesce fresco e sostenibilità


In via Achille Maiocchi nasce Glauco – Seafood Restaurant, il luogo adatto per gustare un ricco menu di pesce fresco tra calici di Valpolicella e dolci creazioni firmate Glauco pâtisserie. Ed è proprio il caso di dirlo: mai nome fu più azzeccato. Personaggio mitologico, figlio di Poseidone, il dio del mare, Glauco è un abilissimo […]

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Friend of the Sea Certifies First Scientific Research Group


Associazione Me.Ri.S. Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo earns certification for sustainable dolphin and whale watching. For the time ever, Friend of the Sea, the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified a scientific research group: Associazione Me.Ri.S. Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo (Me.Ri.S.). Me.Ri.S. is a non-profit […]

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FoS Certifies Organizacion de Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto de A Coruna


Spanish seafood organization earns new certification for sustainability from Friend of the Sea Friend of the Sea, the leading global authority and certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified Spain’s Organización de Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto de A Coruña. The Organization can now to display […]

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Certifies Organizacion