L’Aquarium de Lake District Coast obtient la certification durable


UK aquarium meets standards for marine animal welfare as well as sustainable attitudes and behaviors. MILAN—MAY 20, 2019— Friend of the Sea,the leading certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that the UK’s Lake District Coast Aquarium has obtained the organization’s Certification for Sustainable Aquaria. The certification is […]

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Le FOS souhaite inviter le webinaire sur les aquariums durables


Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on Sustainable public aquaria and ornamental fish. The AquaRio case study. This webinar can be of interest to aquarium owners, hotel chains, aquaculture and seafood processing companies, retail and NGOs, journalists and bloggers. During this half an hour session, Lucas Sorrentino (Project […]

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Events and Webinars

Lake District Coast Aquarium Obtains Sustainable Aquaria Certification from FoS


UK aquarium meets standards for marine animal welfare as well as sustainable attitudes and behaviors. MILAN—MAY 20, 2019— Friend of the Sea,the leading certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that the UK’s Lake District Coast Aquarium has obtained the organization’s Certification for Sustainable Aquaria. The certification is […]

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acquario londra cover

Purse seiner vessels of major South Korean company Silla Co. Ltd found compliant with FoS’s sustainability criteria, following third party certification audit.


Purse seiner vessels of major South Korean company Silla Co. Ltd found compliant with Friend of the Sea’s sustainability criteria, following third party certification audit. Six Silla’s purse seiner vessels catching the mainly skipjack and yellowfin in the Western Central Pacific have been approved according to the international certification’s sustainability requirements. The certified tuna comes […]

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Invito alla Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano 18 maggio 2019


Sabato 18 maggio 2019, Paolo Bray, fondatore e direttore di Friend of the Sea e Friend of the Earth, parteciperà all’evento food del Corriere della Sera “Cibo a regola d’arte”, che si svolgerà a Milano alla Fabbrica del Vapore dal 16 al 19 maggio. Un vero e proprio festival in cui il cibo sarà lo […]

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Events and Webinars

élevage d’insectes et la production d’aliments pour animaux


Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on Insects Farming and Feed Production. This webinar can be of interest to aquaculture and seafood processing companies, retail and NGOs, journalists and bloggers. During this half an hour session, Mrs Maye Walraven (SalesManager at InnovaFeed) and […]

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Cibel (Marocco): european sardine, atlantic chub mackerel


Status: Planned Expected audit date: 13/05/2019 Info audit: surveillance audit Certification Body: RINA Production chain: fishery, processor, producer, fishmeal, fishoil Species: European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias)

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