WEBINAR: UV Creams, Sunscreens and Protection of the Marine Environment. Safe Sea Sustainable Cream Case Study


WEBINAR: UV Creams, Sunscreens and Protection of the Marine Environment. SafeSea Sustainable Cream Case Study FeaturingDr. Amit Lotan Marine research & sunscreen expertlotan@nidaria.comwww.nidaria.com Presented byPaolo BrayFounder and Director Friend of the Sea – Friend of the Earthpaolobray@friendofthesea.orgwww.friendofthesea.org Download presentation here:https://mega.nz/file/x9kkzILS#aCydzEf04WBsI7VLmN_6xyzshnXat1GyYGSlp_TycLg   8 May Dear Madam/Sir,   Friend of the Sea is pleased to invite you to […]

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Waste Reduction and the Circular Economy in the Seafood Industry with As do Mar Tuna Case Study.


Dear Madam/Sir,     this is an invite to webinar on “Waste Reduction and the Circular Economy in the Seafood Industry with As do Mar Tuna Case Study” You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: https://mega.nz/file/gl8WgCQQ#JUhtyJxq13IqjSW8B20lDQWjlO8_tPzGcv24R47k8vc https://mega.nz/file/gl8WgCQQ#JUhtyJxq13IqjSW8B20lDQWjlO8_tPzGcv24R47k8vc https://mega.nz/file/F8kCUa6C#4Hdsyv3a-kpXHub9AXbF1UfJZTKDpKqCHpWyN-B0-yE This webinar can be of interest to:  – Media Professionals, Journalists […]

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Mar Tuna Case Study

Webinar on “Friend of the Sea certification and conservation. An Update”


Dear Madam/Sir,  Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Friend of the Sea certification and conservation. An Update” You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: https://mega.nz/file/g893wRTI#Rhwkv6fFvVhlu2kDzh1grmonuJbrdz3oyi4Bqinrfns This webinar can be of interest to ship owners and seafood […]

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certification & conservation

Whale and Dolphin watching sustainability certification


Dear Madam/Sir,    Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on  “Whale and Dolphin watching: the importance of a sustainability certification to regulate the industry”. You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: https://mega.nz/file/g58SUYbA#oR2oE4Enw_5-KSFtxQ75xvR-Ig7TnsIxqMpAoVGCpHw This webinar can be of […]

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fos dolphin whale watching webinar

KD Pharma and FoS: Omega–3 trends and opportunities for Sustainable certified products


Dear Madam/Sir,   Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on  “KD Pharma and Friend of the Sea: Omega–3 trends and opportunities for Sustainable certified products”. You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: https://mega.nz/file/wp0kxCaY#RJEbAbxppCtw8kjAwWtdEg3_722kW6oEK19GIV0N1jk    This webinar can […]

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fos omega 3 trend webinar

The importance of DNA testing for seafood sourcing- 11th of November 2019


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on “The importance of DNA testing for seafood sourcing“.   You can find the file to download the power point presentations at the following link: https://mega.nz/file/Z98SSIBT#Ps94TSOWGfw6UOaKainAqGmAG0emq0Sqi2NhYf4gdaU This webinar can be of interest to seafood fisheries, seafood processing companies, retail, restaurants, […]

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fos dna webinar

Le FOS souhaite inviter le webinaire sur les aquariums durables


Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on Sustainable public aquaria and ornamental fish. The AquaRio case study. This webinar can be of interest to aquarium owners, hotel chains, aquaculture and seafood processing companies, retail and NGOs, journalists and bloggers. During this half an hour session, Lucas Sorrentino (Project […]

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Events and Webinars

élevage d’insectes et la production d’aliments pour animaux


Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on Insects Farming and Feed Production. This webinar can be of interest to aquaculture and seafood processing companies, retail and NGOs, journalists and bloggers. During this half an hour session, Mrs Maye Walraven (SalesManager at InnovaFeed) and […]

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