Vanelli Maroc S.A.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: VANELLI MAROC S.A.
Fishing area: FAO 34.1.1
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 34 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 6/2-151; 8-421; 6/2 -101; 11-187; 11-215; 6-124.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardinella pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The National Institute of fisheries research (Institut National de Recherche Halieutique: INRH) monitors the resources of small pelagics. Since 2015, there is a management plan for small pelagics. The project is planned to last until 2020. The Moroccan fisheries management plan is reviewed annually in agreement with the board of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF).
Stock status summary
In the North Atlantic, the stock is considered fully exploited. In the Central Atlantic, the stock is considered not fully exploited, with a biomass evaluated in 2016 above the average of the last five years (0.69 million tonnes). In the South Atlantic, the biomass evaluated in 2016 is 15% lower compared to the level of 2015, but the stock is not considered fully exploited. The minimum legal size of sardine is 13-16 cm.
Bycatch / discards
The fishing method used allows accidental catches to remain alive. A sonar system is in place to locate the schools and avoid non-target species. All vessels are obliged to declare all the catch (quantities and species). Accidental catches are monitored by the ONP and DPM. According to the auditor, the amount of discards is considered negligible. There is a maximum level of 3% of discards allowed.
Habitat Impact
The position of the vessels is monitored by the competent authority through GPS. Fisheries occur outside of Marine Protected Areas, respecting the authorized distance from the shore (3 miles). Purse seine fishing has a negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Morocco.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformities.
Damsa S.A.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing methods: Purse seine – Pelagic trawl
Last audit date: 02/11/2018
Next audit within: 02/11/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: DAMSA S.A.
Fishing area: FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 7 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 10-90; 7/1-109; 8-978; 12-82.
Fishing method: Purse seine, Pelagic trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardinella pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The National Institute of fisheries research (Institut National de Recherche Halieutique: INRH) monitors the resources of small pelagics. The Moroccan fisheries management plan is reviewed annually in agreement with the board of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF).
Stock status summary
The stock under consideration is not overfished. There is a fixed annual quota for each vessel to avoid overfishing. All catches are reported to the DPM. When the quota of the vessel comes over, the DPM informs the vessels manager to stop fishing.
Bycatch / discards
There is a fishing agreement, coordinated by the DPM, in which fishing is limited by species. The vessel manager checks the species caught before loading the net into the boat. If the catch is not in conformity with the species declared in the agreement and with the allowed size, it is launched in the sea. None of the species captured by the company is listed in the IUCN Red List. Discards are declared to the DPM, which limits the level of discard to 2% in weight.
Habitat Impact
The habitat impact is monitored by the DPM. The fishing area and the distance from the shore are indicated in the fishing agreement for each vessel. There is no protecting area in this fishing zone. The DPM check the position of each vessel in the sea by satellite. Both fishing methods have no impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Morocco.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of a major non-conformity, the fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, since the company corrected the major non-conformity appointed by the auditor within 3 months of the audit.
Cibel S.A.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing methods: Purse seine – Pelagic trawl
Last audit date: 30/07/2018
Next audit within: 30/07/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishery client: C.I.B.E.L. S.A.
Fishing area: FAO 34, ZONE A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 26 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 11-201, 7/1-109, 12-84, 3/3-180, 8-01010, 7-667, 7-744, 11-257.
Fishing method: Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The National Institute of fisheries research (Institut National de Recherche Halieutique: INRH) monitors the resources of small pelagics. The Moroccan fisheries management plan is reviewed annually in agreement with the board of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), with the comprehensive coastal zone strategies that are shared in zone A B and C and with its different management plans.
Stock status summary
According to INRH and CECAF, in the zones A and B, there was an increase in the stock biomass from 2014-2015 to 2016 and the stock is not overfished. Even so, the instability of the resource led to the adoption of a precautionary approach by limiting the catch. In the zone C, there is a low level of fishing mortality, indicating that the stock is not fully exploited. The minimum size established for capture is 35 pieces per kg.
Bycatch / discards
Fishermen are obliged to land all the catch and the ONP registers the landings. The audited fleet uses a sonar system to locate schools. Accidental catches species are other pelagic species not included in the IUCN Red List. Refrigerated Sea Water (RSW) fishing vessels are obliged to fill out the logbook with all catches and forward the catch declared as rejected to fishmeal production.
Habitat Impact
Fishing is done with purse seiners and pelagic trawlers. Both methods have no impact on the seabed. Fisheries occur 8 to 10 miles from the shore, outside of Marine Protected Areas.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and labour regulations of Morocco.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fleet complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformities.
Yashaswi Fish Meal and Oil Company
Species scientific name: Sardina longiceps
FAO area: 51.4
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 10/12/2017
Next audit within: 10/12/2018
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Basic description of the fleet/fishery
Fishing area: FAO 51.4, Indian Ocean, Western.
Fishing vessels: Vessels audited onsite: IND-KA-02-MM-759; 3074; 79; 1027; 332; 1039; 1104; 42; 3031; 313; 580; -512; 181; 4362.
Fishing method: Trawl and Purse seine.
Certified species: scientifc name / common name
Sardinella longiceps / Indian oil sardine.
Management summary
The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) is the largest marine fisheries research institute in India. The CMFRI works under the Indian Government and it is responsible for the stock assessment, monitoring of by-catch and discards and development of fisheries management plan along with Fishery Survey of India (FSI) and Central Institute of Fishery Technology (CIFT). CMFRI has taken measures to ensure sustainable yields by rolling out various management advisories to maintain healthy stock status.
Stock status summary
The species is classified in the IUCN Red list as least concern. CMFRI has confirmed, during a stakeholder meeting, that a recent study shows good stock pattern for oil sardine. However, official report is yet to be released. The stock under consideration is not overfished; it is declining, but classified as least concern. According to CMFRI, measures are taken to ensure sustainable yields by rolling out various management advisories to maintain healthy stock status.
Bycatch / discards
The organisation does not keep systematic records about the effects on endangered species, target catches and discards. This was pointed out as a major non-conformity.
Habitat Impact
Several management advisory measures are in place, including the prohibition of bull trawling/bottom trawl and light fishing in purse seine. Nonetheless, during the Vessel audit, presence of certain species indicates the occurrence of bull trawl/bottom trawl and light fishing in purse seine. Few vessels in this region seems to follow these management advisory measures, however, the organisation needs strict monitoring on the same. This was pointed out as a major non-conformity.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Indian regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The unit of certification had 13 major and 2 minor non-conformities. Corrective actions were presented in due time and accepted by the auditor. Thus, after the proof of all corrections, the unit of certification complied with Friend of the Sea requirements.
Mediterranea Foods Srl.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 37.2.1
Fishing method: Purse seine
Italy – Purse seine – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 37 (Mediterranean and Black sea)
Fishery client: Mediterranea Foods S.r.l.
Fishing area: FAO 37, Adriatic (Division 37.2.1).
Fishing vessels: The Company has one artisanal vessel.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7AN816.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sarda.
Management summary
In Italy, the fishery policy is implemented through the Directorate General for Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) and by the Directorate for Fisheries of the regional administrations, with the support of services provided by decentralized offices (Marine Coastal Guard). Small-scale or artisanal fishing refers to fishing boats with less than 12 meter in length, using passive gears, involving day trips with a minimal crew (one or two fishermen). The audited company has this format; it is in accordance with the current legislation operating with a single boat, with fishing capacity of 10/12 tons, in which the owner is part of the crew.
Stock status summary
Several reports present information on the stock of the species. However, as the audited company corresponds to artisanal fishing, with a fishing capacity of 10/12 tonnes and without a refrigeration system. Thus, it does not pose risks to the fish stock.
Bycatch / discards
The fishery has a procedure for recording discards, complying with a request from the port landing authority. In the last year, there was no record of discards.
Habitat Impact
The owner of the vessel has operated for about 50 years in the fishing zone. The fishery occurs 3 miles from shore up to a maximum of 40 miles, outside of Marine Protected Areas. Purse seine fishing almost never touch the bottom of the ocean causing a negligible impact. The purse seine used in the fishery has 19 mm mesh (14 is the minimum by law), 120 m of height and 400 m of length.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Italian labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.
Andrexport SARL*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 21/06/2015
Next audit within: 20/08/2018
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: ANDREXPORT sarl.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Morocco Coastal (Division 34.1.1), Zones A and B.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7-756; 11-72; 5-22; 6/1-227.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) provide information on the stock status of the species. In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. Nevertheless, the biomass and abundance indices estimated by the acoustic method over the last four years have shown an upward trend since 2008, with a peak in 2013. This gradual recovery of the stock would be linked to improved environmental conditions.
Bycatch / discards
The fleet uses echo-sonar and is controlled by Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). These measures contribute to the reduction of accidental catches, which are other small pelagic fish like mackerel (Scomber japonicus). Level of discard allowed is less than 5%. If accidental catches occurs, fishermen don’t close the seine leaving animals free.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, since vessels and fishing zones are controlled by the ONP. The fishery occurs 10 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 45 pieces per kg in zone A and B. All the vessels are fishing with purse seine, which have no effect on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of a minor non-conformity (failures related to the use of logbook), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularity pointed out by the auditor was being corrected.
Atlantic Sardine Anchovies Tan Tan (ASAT)
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishing area: FAO 34, Division 34.1.1, and Subdivision 34.1.13.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 11 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7-756; 8-958.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) provide information on the stock status of the species. According to them, sardine stock is fully exploited, but is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
All the bycatches are recorded by ONP at the unloading, checking the compliance to the fishing license. The fishing method is very selective. According to the DPM, no accidental catches are included in the IUCN Red list. Level of discard allowed is 2%.
Habitat Impact
The impact of the fishery on the seabed is negligible, as it only targets pelagic species, caught with purse seiners, and without any contact with the seabed. The distance from the shore varies according to the area and the fishing period. At each change, the authorities inform all vessels about the minimum distances. The fishery complies with the regulation of Marine Protected Areas, as reported on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) of all vessels.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of a minor non-conformity (concerns related to current data on the effects of the fishery on the ecosystem, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Belma S.A.*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic trawler – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: BELMA.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ____ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-819; 11-284; 8-945; 8-984.
Fishing method: Purse seine, Pelagic trawler.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) provide information on the stock status of the species. In Moroccan waters, sardine does not result fully exploited. In zones A and B, CECAF 2015 Committee recommends the adoption of a precautionary approach setting a catch limit of around 550,000 tonnes.
Bycatch / discards
The ONP officer records all the discards. No accidental catches are included in the IUCN Red list. The gears are very selective and the level of discard allowed is less than 3%. If any dolphin occurs in the seine, it is released alive at the sea.
Habitat Impact
Fishing is prohibited in Marine Protected Areas and all the vessels equipped with Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) are controlled by the central control of Rabat. The fishery occurs 3 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 45 pieces per kg in zone A and B and 40 pieces kg in zone C. The impact of the fishery on the seabed is negligible, as it is targeting just pelagic species with pelagic gears. Purse seiner and pelagic trawler have not contact with the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.
Cibel S.A.*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 10/12/2015
Next audit within: 13/03/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: CIBEL.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ____ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 12-80; 11-269; 11-287; 6/2-118; 11-195.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. Morocco developed a strategic plan for small pelagic stocks in order to guarantee the sustainable exploitation of this resource. This development plan, launched in February 2010, has introduced management measures to governing the permitted fishing areas, allowable species and accessories, operating procedures by different fleets and tracking documents and monitoring catches. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) assess the stock status of the species. In zones A and B, CECAF recommends that the catch should not exceed 400,000 tonnes. In Zone C, sardine is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
The fisheries for small pelagic generally have low discard rates because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. The audited fleet uses a sonar system to locate schools and, with the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic species. Bycatch is regulated by local law, annexed to the license provided to vessels, and established at 3% of total catches. The fleet is keeping daily records and no accidental catches are included on the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are evident in the steering systems. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In zone C, it is done with pelagic trawlers and seiners. Both methods have no impact on the seabed, spawning and nursery grounds. Fisheries occur 10 to 15 miles from the shore.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of one major and two minor non-conformities (failures related to the use of logbook, wastewater analysis, hearing protectors, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Pelagic trawl
Last audit date: 21/05/2015
Next audit within: 23/06/2018
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: Damsa.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 51 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-976; 12—76; 11-281; 6/2—205; 11-195.
Fishing method: Purse seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. Morocco developed a strategic plan for small pelagic stocks in order to guarantee the sustainable exploitation of this resource. This development plan, launched in February 2010, has introduced management measures to governing the permitted fishing areas, allowable species and accessories, operating procedures by different fleets and tracking documents and monitoring catches. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) provide information on the stock status of the species. In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. Nevertheless, the biomass and abundance indices estimated by the acoustic method over the last four years have shown an upward trend since 2008, with a peak in 2013. CECAF recommends that the catch should not exceed 400,000 tonnes. In Zone C, sardine is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
The audited fleet uses a sonar system to locate schools and, with the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic species. Local law regulates bycatch at 3% of total catches. The fleet is keeping daily records and no accidental catches are included on the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
Fisheries occur 10 to 15 miles from the shore, outside the Marine Protected Areas. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In zone C, it is done with pelagic trawlers and seiners. Both methods have no impact on the seabed, spawning and nursery grounds.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of two major and three minor non-conformities (failures related to the use of logbook, temperature level, wastewater analysis, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Group King Pelagique
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Pelagic trawl
Last audit date: 26/06/2016
Next audit within: 27/07/2017
Status: Due to surveillance audit
Audit Report
Morocco – Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 3 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-975; 8-966.
Fishing method: Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). Results indicate that stocks of Sardine are non-fully exploited. Thus, it is considered not overfished. A quota of 20,000 tonnes is given for each vessel per year.
Bycatch / discards
A management of procedures for the Red list species (PR-004-A) is used as instruction for prohibited species. A trained agent is always on the board to control the fishing species before pumping them into the vessel. The current regulation establishes the level of discard by up to 2%. All bycatch information is sent to the respective authority.
Habitat Impact
In compliance with the Regulation PR-003-B, there is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, as reported on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) of all vessels. Fishing is done according to a pelagic procedure (PR-001 / A), which allows fish to be caught without contact with the seabed. Fisheries occur 8 miles from the shore.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.
International Canning Company (ICC)*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: International canning company (ICC).
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 17 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7-787; 6/2-172; 8-738; 8-1044; 10-66.
Fishing method: Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake strategies for the fisheries sector development. The Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. Morocco developed a strategic plan for small pelagic stocks in order to guarantee the sustainable exploitation of this resource. This development plan, launched in February 2010, has introduced management measures to governing the permitted fishing areas, allowable species and accessories, operating procedures by different fleets and tracking documents and monitoring catches. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zone C, results indicate that stock of sardine is not fully exploited and overfished. On the other hand, in zones A and B, CECAF 2015 Committee recommends the adoption of a precautionary approach setting a catch limit of around 550,000 tonnes.
Bycatch / discards
All information related to bycatch are recorded at the unloading by ONP and DPM. There are no reports of bycatch of endangered and threatened species. The fishing gears are very selective and, if a large predator is arriving in the net, the seine is not closed and the animal is released alive to the sea. Level of discard is very low and, according to the law, it must not be over 3% of total catch.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, as reported on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) of all vessels. All the vessels are monitored by the central control of Rabat. The fishery occurs from 3 to 6 miles from the shore with selective gears (mesh size 30 mm, 140 m of height, and 1000 m of length). All the vessels are fishing with purse seine and pelagic trawler. The two gears have no effect on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.
LGMC Industries
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 25/03/2017
Next audit within: 30/08/2018
Status: Approved
Audit report and corrective actions
Morocco – Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: LGMC Industries.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Division 34.1.1, and Subdivision 34.1.13.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 2 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 12-93.
Fishing method: Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). Results indicate that stocks of Sardine are non-fully exploited. Thus, it is considered not overfished. Currently, it is recommended that the catch should not exceed 200,000 tonnes, but the government is studying the possibility of increasing the quota to 250,000 tonnes.
Bycatch / discards
All vessels are required to report bycatches to DPM. Bycatch is regulated by local law, annexed to the license provided to vessels, and authorized quantity is 2% of total catches. The fleet is keeping daily records and no accidental catches are included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas. These areas are prohibited throughout the year, which is mentioned in the fishing license. The authorities monitor all vessels. The fishery occurs 8 miles from the shore with selective gears (mesh size 40 mm). All the vessels are fishing with pelagic trawl, which have no effect on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major and minor non-conformities (concerns related to current data on inventories, procedures for lost fishing devices, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Merveilles des Mers*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 04/06/2015
Next audit within: 03/06/2018
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: MERVEILLES DES MERS.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 52 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7/1-212; 6/1-205; 11-257; 2-188; 8-743; 7-880.
Fishing method: Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). Results indicate that the stock of sardine is overfished in zones A and B, but not in zone C. The government is performing a plan with actions to follow and control of the stocks in overfished areas and the company is respecting all the requirements. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tons.
Bycatch / discards
The fisheries for small pelagic generally have low discard rates because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. With the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic species. Bycatch is regulated by local law and must be bellow 3% of total catches. The fleet is keeping daily records and no accidental catches are included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
The fishery occurs only in regulated areas 10-15 miles from the shore. Monitoring and control of fisheries by ONP confirm that the fleet does not operate in Marine Protected Areas. In addition, the fleet is monitored by MADRPM by officers, scientists and observers of the GPS system. The nets almost never touch the bottom of the ocean. Thus, both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed, spawning and nursery grounds.
Social Accountability performance
The fishery complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major and minor non-conformities (concerns related to fish stocks and the need for infrastructure improvements), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Nouvelle Societe Amadir*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 12/04/2016
Next audit within: 18/07/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B, and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-421; 11-127; 6/2-118; 8-1041; 6-889; 11-275; 8-840; 8-981.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. Nevertheless, the biomass and abundance indices estimated by the acoustic method over the last four years have shown an upward trend. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tons.
Bycatch / discards
Generally, low discard rates are recorded because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. Bycatch is regulated by local law and is established at 3% of total catches. Fleet records show that there are no species included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are clearly apparent on the vessels steering systems and followed by GPS system installed within the fleet. The fishery occurs 10‒15 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 20 pieces per kg. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In Zone C, fishing is done with pelagic trawlers (RSW and freezer) and seiners. Both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major and minor non-conformities (concerns related to rights of seasonal workers and the need for infrastructure improvements, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Oceamic Laayoune II*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 12/07/2015
Next audit within: 11/07/2018
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: OCEAMIC LAAYOUNE II.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 24 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8 – 981; 11-275; 11-218; 6/2-138; 6-958.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. Nevertheless, the biomass and abundance indices estimated by the acoustic method over the last four years have shown an upward trend. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tonnes.
Bycatch / discards
Low discard rates are recorded because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. The fleet uses a sonar system to locate schools and, with the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic species. Bycatch is regulated by local law and is established at 3% of total catches. Fleet records show that there are no species included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are clearly apparent on the vessels steering systems and followed by GPS system installed within the fleet. The fishery occurs 10‒15 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 20 pieces per kg. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In Zone C, fishing is done with pelagic trawlers (RSW and freezer) and seiners. Both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of minor non-conformities (failures related to water analysis, labour bonus, the need for infrastructure improvements, among others), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 28/03/2016
Next audit within: 27/03/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: SEPOMER SAHARA.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-966; 12-80; 8-957; 12-44; 6/2-118; 5-212; 11-287.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. Nevertheless, the biomass and abundance indices estimated by the acoustic method over the last four years have shown an upward trend. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tonnes. In Zone C, sardine is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
Low discard rates are recorded because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. The fleet uses a sonar system to locate schools and, with the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic species. Bycatch is regulated by local law and is established at 3% of total catches. Fleet records show that there are no species included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are clearly apparent on the vessels steering systems and followed by GPS system installed within the fleet. The fishery occurs 10‒15 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 20 pieces per kg. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In Zone C, fishing is done with pelagic trawlers (RSW and freezer) and seiners. Both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major and minor non-conformities (failures related to the use of logbook and the need for infrastructure improvements), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Silver Food*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 17/06/2014
Next audit within: 16/06/2017
Status: Expired – Recertification in progress
Audit Report
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: SILVER FOOD.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; 1.12, 1.13, 1.31.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock is checked by MADRPM and managed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH). In zones A and B, the sardine stock is considered overexploited and overfished. On the other hand, in zone C, it is considered fully exploited, but not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
The fishing method is very selective; the schools are well identified with the seine and the pelagic trawl. With the seine, false catches are the other pelagic species (Sardinella aurita and Belone belone). The percentage is always less than 8%. With the pelagic trawl, bycatch is Dentex gibbosus, Pagellus erythrinus, Euthynnus alletteratus. There are no discards, since all accidental catches are marketed. Sorting is done at the processing plant. The level of discard is always between 2 and 4%.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, since the authorities monitor the vessels. The fishery occurs 6 miles from the shore with selective gears (mesh size 9 mm, 75 m of height, and 750 m of length). In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In Zone C, fishing is done with pelagic trawlers (refrigerated with Freon R 22). Both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major non-conformities (concerns related to fish stocks), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The certification approval considers that the company complies with all restrictions imposed by the local government.
Societé Nouvelle Aveiro Maroc*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Last audit date: 30/01/2015
Next audit within: 14/03/2019
Status: Approved
Audit Report
Corrective Actions
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 8-1012; 8-987; 8-840; 8-1041; 6/2-118; 8-995.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zones A and B, the results are not conclusive due to large fluctuations in biomass and uncertainties in fishing effort. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tonnes. In Zone C, sardine is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
The fisheries for small pelagic generally have low discard rates because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. In addition, the fishing methods used are very selective and there is no risk of catching endangered species; the schools are located by sonar system. The company keeps daily records of results and the rate is less than 5%. With the purse seine, false catches species are other pelagic like Sardinella aurita. Sorting is done inside the processing plant.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are clearly apparent on the vessels steering systems and followed by GPS system installed within the fleet. The fishery occurs 10‒15 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 20 pieces per kg. In zones A and B, fishing is done with purse seiners. In Zone C, fishing is done with pelagic trawlers (RSW and freezer) and seiners. Both fishing methods have negligible impact on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of a major non-conformity (failures related to the use of logbook), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Sovapec Maromega
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: SOVAPEC & MAROMEGA.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 79 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 11-221; 6/1-205.
Fishing method: Purse Seine.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). Results indicate that the stock of sardine is overfished in zones A and B, but not in zone C. The government is performing a plan with actions to follow and control of the stocks in overfished areas and the company is respecting all the requirements. It is recommended that the catch does not exceed 400 thousand tonnes.
Bycatch / discards
The fisheries for small pelagic generally have low discard rates because the schools tend to be monospecific and the fish tend to be of a similar size. According to FAO 2005 update on discards, weighted discard rate for purse seining on small pelagic is 1.6%. Purse seine fishing method used its very selective (mesh size 6 mm, 75 m of height, and 675 m of length). Local authority controls bycatch species at landing. There are no species included in the IUCN Red list.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, which are clearly apparent on the vessels steering systems and followed by GPS system installed within the fleet. The fishery occurs 10‒15 miles from the shore respecting a minimum catch size of 20 pieces per kg. The nets almost never touch the bottom of the ocean. The fishing method has no impact on the seabed, spawning and nursery grounds.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
Despite of major and minor non-conformities (failures related to the use of logbook and the need for infrastructure improvements), the fleet complied with Friend of the Sea requirements. The procedure of non-conformity was closed when the company sent documents showing that the irregularities pointed out by the auditor were being corrected.
Unimer S.A.*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: Consernor CAN3, Group Unimer.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of ___ vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 11-169; 8-421; 11-127; 8-01026; 8-01013; 7-789; 7-4; 7-853; 7-682.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) is performing assessments every year on small pelagics in Moroccan waters. CECAF studies of 2015 indicate that sardine stocks do not result fully exploited. In zones A and B, there is a minimum catch size of 45 pieces per kg. In zone C, it is 40 pieces per kg.
Bycatch / discards
Bycatches from pelagic trawler are recorded in the logbook and the limits are stated in the fishing license. Large predators are identified by the echo-sonar. The level of discards does not exceed 8% of the total catch. On the other hand, purse seine fishery has no bycatch. Dolphins can enter the school before closing the net, but when it happens, they have to keep the net open by letting the dolphin live. In addition, if bycatch occurs, ONP officers will record all information at unloading.
Habitat Impact
The fishery occurs only in regulated areas (6, 10, and 8 miles from the shore, respectively, in zones A, B, and C) and complies with the regulation of Marine Protected Areas, as reported on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) of all vessels. The fishing gears used for mackerel are seiner and pelagic trawler, not affecting the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.
Union des Pecheries Africaines (UPA)*
Species scientific name: Sardina pilchardus
FAO area: 34
Fishing method: Purse seine
Morocco – Purse seine, Pelagic Trawl – Sardina pilchardus – FAO 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central)
Fishery client: Union des Pecheries Africaines.
Fishing area: FAO 34, Eastern Central Atlantic Waters; Zones A, B and C.
Fishing vessels: The Company has a fleet of 17 vessels.
Vessels audited on site as fleet samples: 7-787; 6/2-172; 8-738; 8-1044; 10-66.
Fishing method: Purse Seine, Pelagic Trawl.
Certified species: Scientific name: Sardina pilchardus;
Common name: Sardine.
Management summary
The National Office of Fisheries (ONP) is a Moroccan public institution that, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM), is assigned with task to undertake the governmental strategy for the development and the promotion of the competitiveness of the Moroccan fisheries sector. The Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM) controls the vessels in relation at security, people on board, gears and license, while ONP controls unloading, sizes and quantities. The royal navy patrols the national waters to avoid illegal fishing.
Stock status summary
The stock assessment is performed by the National Research Institute for Fisheries (INRH) and by the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In zones A and B, the stock is improving as compared the 2013assessment and the stock is considered non-fully exploited. Still, CECAF 2015 Committee recommends the adoption of a precautionary approach setting a catch limit of around 550,000 tonnes. In zone C, the stock is not fully exploited and it is not overfished.
Bycatch / discards
The ONP officer records all the discards. No accidental catches are included in the IUCN Red list. The gears are very selective and the level of discard allowed is less than 3%. If a large predator is arriving in the net, the seine is not closed and the animal is released alive to the sea.
Habitat Impact
There is no fishing in Marine Protected Areas, as reported on the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) of all vessels. All the vessels are monitored by the central control of Rabat. The fishery occurs from 3 to 6 miles from the shore with selective gears (mesh size 30 mm, 140 m of height, and 1000 m of length). In zones A and B, there is a minimum catch size of 45 pieces per kg. In zone C, it is 40 pieces per kg. All the vessels are fishing with purse seine and pelagic trawler. The two gears have no effect on the seabed.
Social Accountability performance
The fleet complies with the human rights and Moroccan labour regulations.
Conclusion with reasons for approval
The fishery complies with Friend of the Sea requirements, without any non-conformity.