Sitemap – Certificados Sustentáveis
News (1301 - 1326 of 1492)
- 1301)Cornic sustainable scallops reach French supermarkets with FoS seal of approval
- 1302)FRIEND OF THE SEA again on TIME magazine with As do Mar
- 1303)Olympic Seafoods AS gains full assessment by Friend of the Sea
- 1304)Another krill oil producer obtained its FoS certification
- 1305)Friend of the Sea is now Zero Impact©
- 1306)Gomes da Costa new line of FoS certified tuna pizza and tuna lasagna
- 1307)Friend of the Sea certified omega-3 product in Norway and Sweden
- 1308)German Research Foundation DFG funded study concludes consumers should buy FOS certified products. FOS more reliable with 88% Green Stocks
- 1309)FoS certifies Ittica Golfo di Follonica Soc. Agricola srl. as respectful of Tuscany marine environment
- 1310)MJ Seafood offers the largest FoS accredited fish and seafood range to foodservice
- 1311)A traceability audit has been planned at a German Import/Export company selling tuna from approved fleet
- 1312)Hand line fishery targeting yellowfin tuna in the Philippines will be soon under audit
- 1313)Friend of the Sea spotlighted in TIME Magazine
- 1314)A moroccan company will be soon under audit to renewal its certificate
- 1315)Another Italian GDO is near to sell its private label products under FoS logo
- 1316)A spanish fleet targeting tuna already FoS certified is undergoing a new audit in the Indian Ocean
- 1317)Re assessment audit at the blue mussels farm of Spring Bay Seafoods in Tasmania
- 1318)A fishermen cooperative will undergo a full assessment audit in the North Sea.
- 1319)Sinomega is the first Chinese manufacturer of Omega-3 Fish Oils to achieve FoS certification
- 1320)FoS becomes international sustainability standard for OMEGA-3
- 1321)An american fleet targeting sardines, squids and mackerels will soon undergo a full assessment audit.
- 1322)Renewal full assessment audit for fishoil producer Omega Protein
- 1323)Olympic Seafood has undergone a full assessment audit.
- 1324)Press Review ITA (2011)
- 1325)Press Review International (2011)
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