Phil-Union Frozen Foods Inc. (Philippines)- Yellowfin tuna
31/01/2017Status: Planned Expected audit date: 31/01-01/02/2017 Fishing Area: FAO 71 Gear type: Pole and line Species: Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)
Read moreStatus: Planned Expected audit date: 31/01-01/02/2017 Fishing Area: FAO 71 Gear type: Pole and line Species: Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)
Read moreThe Peruvian fishing and processing company Inversiones Prisco has recently concluded the Friend of the Sea certification for its canned anchovy products.
Read moreStatus: Planned Expected audit date: 25-26-27/01/2017 Fishing area: FAO Area 27 (Atlantic, Northeast); ICES Subarea V (Iceland and Faroes) Gear type: Bottom Trawler; Drift Net; Handline; Longline; Scottish and Danish Seines Species: Gadus morhua, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Microstomos kitt, Pleuronectes platessa, Sebastes norvegicus
Read moreStatus: Planned Expected audit date: 24-25/01/2017 Fishing area: FAO Area 34 Gear type: Purse seine Species: European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
Read moreThe Manischewitz Company – the largest manufacturer of processed kosher food in the U.S. - has recently obtained the Friend of the Sea certification for European anchovies, chub mackerel and European sardines.
Read moreStatus: Planned Expected audit date: 16-17/01/2017 Company requesting the audit: Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. Fishing area: FAO 87 Gear type: Purse seine Target species: Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis rigens), Pacific chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus peruanus), Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi)
Read morePT Karyacipta Buanasentosa (PT KCBS), an Indonesian tuna catch and processing company, wholly owned by Yamako Pacific Pte Ltd, has recently obtained the Friend of the Sea certification for Skipjack and Yellowfin tuna.
Read moreFreitasmar – Portuguese company specialized in production of canned seafood – has recently achieved the Friend of the Sea certification for Skipjack and Yellowfin tuna.
Read morePublic interest in viewing dolphins and whales in the wild has grown significantly over the last years.
Read moreStatus: planned Audit date: end of 2016 Company requesting the audit: Colpex International SAC Fishing area: FAO 87 (Pacific, Southeast) Fishing method: Purse seine Target species: Peruvian Anchovy (Engraulis ringens)
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